Louise Hay 101 Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Positivity Any Day!

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Every day, we’re faced with hundreds of challenges – big and small – and amid all that, we keep searching for self-improvement and inner peace. In the quest to do that, many people have explored different methods to boost their (and the rest of the world’s) well-being. One of the methods that has also gained immense popularity in recent years, is the power of positive affirmations.

And at the forefront of this approach stands Louise Hay, a motivational speaker whose contributions to the world of self-improvement and self-care have transformed the lives of many.

Today, you will have a glimpse into the world of Louise Hay’s positive affirmations, exploring her life, theories, and a list of positive affirmations that you can incorporate into your own journey of self-discovery, self-love, success, and better overall well-being.

Who Was Louise Hay?

Louise Hay photo

Louise Hay (1926-2017) was a best-seller author, motivational speaker, and founder of Hay House, a publishing firm that focuses on self-help, personal development, and spiritual literature.

Hay’s early life was full of challenges, including a rough childhood and a diagnosis of cervical cancer in her early 40s. This prognosis brought a series of self-healing transformations in Hay’s life, making her a renowned figure.

At the very core of teaching by Louise Hay, lays the idea that our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences. She believed that by deliberately changing one’s thoughts and beliefs, it could be possible to bring positivity to life.

One of the most important contributions of hers was the concept that positive affirmations and positive thoughts can reprogram the mind, fostering self-love, self-improvement, and success, as well as healing physical ailments.

Louise Hay recounted her personal journey of being diagnosed with “incurable” vaginal cancer during the late 1970s. She soon realized that her resentment towards her childhood abuse might have played a role in triggering the illness. Opting out of conventional medical treatment, she embarked on a transformative path of forgiveness, alongside therapies, nutritional changes, reflexology, and other holistic treatments.

Why Practice Louise Hay Positive Affirmations?

Louise Hay’s positive affirmations are based on the idea that the mind and body are interconnected. She believed that our thoughts and emotions can have a profound impact on our physical well-being along with our mental well-being. By practicing daily affirmations, we can replace negative thought patterns with affirming ones, bringing us closer to improved mental and emotional states, lower levels of stress, better self-esteem, and enhanced well-being.

Positive affirmations are more than just pep talks; they are a way to reframe our inner voice. They encourage us to rewrite what we think within and invite us to become the master of our minds filled with hope, confidence, and self-empowerment. By choosing words that resonate with our desires and dreams, we tap into the ability of the mind to reshape reality to how we wish it to be.

But affirmations are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They are your personalized mantras, unique to your journey and desires. What resonates with you might not resonate with others. The power of a positive affirmation lies in intention and honesty – the affirmation must bring genuine emotions forth and resonate deeply within yourself for them to spark a connection and align with the reality you desire.

101 Louise Hay Positive Affirmations…

Here is a list of 101 positive affirmations inspired by Louise Hay to help boost your positivity, self-love, self-improvement, and overall well-being;

Affirmations For Self-Acceptance

  1. I am worthy of love and happiness.
  2. I accept myself unconditionally.
  3. I am deserving of all the good that comes into my life.
  4. I love and appreciate myself just as I am.
  5. I am enough, exactly as I am.

Affirmations For Better Health

  1. Every cell in my body is vibrant and healthy.
  2. I nourish my body with love and nutritious food.
  3. My body knows how to heal itself, and I support it with positive thoughts.
  4. I am full of energy and vitality.
  5. My mind and body are in perfect harmony.

Affirmations For Abundance

  1. I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life.
  2. I attract prosperity and abundance effortlessly.
  3. Money flows to me freely and easily.
  4. I deserve wealth and financial success.
  5. I am a magnet for opportunities and success.

Affirmations For Self-Confidence

  1. I believe in myself and my abilities.
  2. I am confident in my decisions and choices.
  3. I trust my inner wisdom to guide me.
  4. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  5. I am strong and resilient, capable of overcoming any challenges.

Affirmations For Happiness

  1. I choose happiness and joy in every moment.
  2. My life is filled with positivity and laughter.
  3. I find happiness in the simplest of things.
  4. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.
  5. Joy is my natural state of being.

Affirmations For Positive Relationships

  1. I attract loving and supportive relationships into my life.
  2. I communicate my needs and boundaries with ease.
  3. I give and receive love unconditionally.
  4. I am surrounded by people who uplift and inspire me.
  5. My relationships are a reflection of the love I have for myself.

Affirmations For Forgiveness

  1. I forgive myself for any mistakes I’ve made.
  2. I release resentment and let go of the past.
  3. I am free from the burdens of guilt and shame.
  4. Forgiveness liberates my heart and mind.
  5. I choose to focus on the present moment and create a bright future.

Affirmations For Gratitude

  1. I choose positive thoughts that lead to positive outcomes.
  2. I am grateful for every experience that comes my way.
  3. My life is filled with abundance and blessings.
  4. I see beauty and goodness in every situation.
  5. Gratitude is the foundation of my joyful life.

Affirmations For Inner Peace

  1. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
  2. I release stress and find tranquility within.
  3. My mind is calm, and my heart is peaceful.
  4. I trust the journey of life and surrender to its flow.
  5. I find solace in stillness and silence.

Affirmations For Self-Care

  1. I prioritize self-care and nurture my body, mind, and soul.
  2. Taking care of myself is a loving act of kindness.
  3. I am in tune with my needs and take action to meet them.
  4. I deserve moments of relaxation and rejuvenation.
  5. Self-care is a vital part of my daily routine.

Affirmations For Self-Growth

  1. I embrace change and welcome personal growth.
  2. Every challenge is an opportunity for me to learn and evolve.
  3. I am constantly evolving into the best version of myself.
  4. I am open to new experiences and insights.
  5. My journey of self-discovery is a beautiful adventure.

Affirmations For Resilience

  1. I face challenges with courage and determination.
  2. I am resilient and capable of bouncing back from setbacks.
  3. Fear is just an illusion; I move forward with courage.
  4. I trust myself to navigate through uncertain times.
  5. Each day, I grow stronger and more resilient.

Affirmations For Manifestation

  1. I am a powerful creator of my reality.
  2. I manifest my dreams and desires with ease.
  3. My thoughts and intentions shape my reality.
  4. I am open to creative inspiration and limitless possibilities.
  5. I align myself with the universe’s abundant flow.

Affirmations For Spiritual Connection

  1. I am connected to the divine energy that flows through me.
  2. I trust in the universal wisdom that guides me.
  3. I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
  4. I am part of the interconnected web of life.
  5. I am guided by love, light, and higher consciousness.

Affirmations For Balance

  1. I create a balance between my work, play, and rest.
  2. My life is in harmony, and I find peace in each moment.
  3. I honor my needs for both solitude and social interaction.
  4. I seek balance in all areas of my life.
  5. I am in tune with the rhythm of life.

Affirmations For Positive or Power Thoughts

  1. I replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
  2. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  3. I release self-doubt and replace it with self-belief.
  4. My mind is a garden, and I plant seeds of positivity.
  5. I choose thoughts that empower and uplift me.

Affirmations For Change

  1. Change is a natural part of life, and I embrace it with grace.
  2. I release resistance to change and flow with life’s transitions.
  3. Change brings new opportunities and growth into my life.
  4. I am adaptable and open to the lessons that change brings.
  5. Embracing change leads me to greater experiences.

Affirmations For Being In The Present

  1. I am fully present in each moment, savoring life’s beauty.
  2. The present moment is all there is, and I embrace it fully.
  3. I let go of worries about the past and future, focusing on now.
  4. The present moment is a gift that I cherish and enjoy.
  5. I am at peace when I immerse myself in the present.

Affirmations For Self-Love and Kindness

  1. I radiate love, kindness, and compassion to all beings.
  2. Love flows through me, healing and uplifting all in its path.
  3. I am a beacon of light and positivity for those around me.
  4. My heart is open, and I offer love to myself and others.
  5. The more love I give, the more love I receive

Affirmations For Empathy

  1. I understand that everyone is on a unique journey.
  2. I practice empathy and listen with an open heart.
  3. I see the humanity in every person I encounter.
  4. I release judgment and replace it with understanding.
  5. By offering compassion, I contribute to a more compassionate world.
  6. My life is full of infinite possibilities, waiting to be explored.

How to Incorporate Positive Affirmations In Your Life?

  • Choose the affirmations that resonate with you and that address the areas in your life you wish to change.
  • Repeat your chosen affirmations daily, multiple times a day, or whenever you need a boost. Repetition of affirmations works well, so be sure to do that.
  • As you repeat your affirmations, believe in the words you’re saying and try to visualize the desired outcomes. Visualization with affirmations is a wonderful combination!
  • Don’t forget to attach positive emotions and intentions to your affirmations. It’ll make them even more powerful.
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and replace negative ones with your chosen affirmations. Just repeating affirmations won’t help, you need to pay attention to them and change from within.

Louise Hay’s teaching continues to motivate and inspire many around the world. Her focus on self-love, forgiveness, and self-improvement through positive affirmations and powerful thoughts has left an indelible mark on everyone who wishes for personal growth and development as well as followers of holistic healing.

By embracing her techniques and incorporating her positive affirmations in your life, you too can embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and self-love, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

I hope the list of Louise Hay’s positive affirmations in this post will help you find the one you truly need. Let us know your thoughts on the power of positive affirmations in the comments below.


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Embracing Body Positivity With These 30+ Body Positive Affirmations!

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In this world, where one’s beauty is determined by body shape, weight, and size, it can be hard to find appreciation for who you are. In our complicated world, we are often bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards, and amid all that it can be quite challenging to build a positive relationship with our bodies.

This is just me though. There are hundreds of men, women, and people out there who are shamed for their bodies – some for being too fat, some for being too thin, some for being too pale, some for being too brown, some for being too tall, some for being too short, and some for anything else that doesn’t fit in the “societal standards”.

Amid the noise and pressure, one practice has emerged as a hope for self-empowerment and body positivity – body-positive affirmations. These affirmations or mantras act like any other but focus on increasing body positivity and confidence to pave the way for healthier body image and better well-being.

So, let’s take a look at how body-positive affirmations can help and the list of affirmations you can use to increase your body confidence and positivity.

How Do Body Positive Affirmations Help Boost Body Positivity?

How Do Body Positive Affirmations

Body-positive affirmations are powerful declarations of self-love that celebrate the beauty of your body image and body acceptance. These affirmations serve as reminders that your self-worth isn’t defined solely by your appearance, but also by your value as a human being. Here’s how body-positive affirmations can help boost your body acceptance, image, and confidence;

  • These affirmations encourage you to appreciate your body for what it is and as it is – regardless of what society says about standards of beauty. It’s a way to turn self-criticism into self-appreciation.
  • Body-positive affirmations can also help build self-confidence from within. When you acknowledge your strengths and attributes, you feel more comfortable and confident in who you are.
  • These affirmations can counteract negative self-talk and help you embrace yourself as you are. They allow you to reshape the narrative you tell yourself about your appearance.
  • Body acceptance is another thing that body-positive affirmations help you achieve and boost. When you practice these affirmations, you empower yourself to embrace the journey you’re on, promoting a sense of peace.
  • Affirmations for a healthy body also focus on your overall well-being. By accepting the importance of a healthy body, you lay the foundation for better overall health and well-being.
  • Positive body image affirmations can act as shields against the stigma surrounding body image. They empower you to define your self-worth, independent of what society thinks.

Body Positive Affirmations For You!

  1. I am worthy of love and respect exactly as I am.
  2. My body is unique and beautiful in its own way.
  3. I am grateful for all that my body does for me.
  4. I am more than my appearance; my worth is not defined by how I look.
  5. My body deserves love and care, no matter its shape or size.
  6. I honor my body by nourishing it with healthy choices.
  7. I am confident and comfortable in my own skin.
  8. I radiate positivity and confidence from within.
  9. I release the need to compare myself to others.
  10. I let go of negative thoughts about my body and embrace positivity.
  11. I appreciate the beauty that comes from self-acceptance.
  12. Every imperfection tells a story that makes me who I am.
  13. I am in control of how I feel about my body, and I choose positivity.
  14. My body deserves kindness and gentle care.
  15. I am proud of my body’s uniqueness and individuality.
  16. My body is a work of art, deserving of admiration and celebration.
  17. I am beautiful both inside and out, just as I am.
  18. I am at peace with my body and its journey.
  19. I am worthy of happiness and confidence, regardless of my size.
  20. My body is my ally and supports me in everything I do.
  21. I am more than the numbers on a scale; I am a whole person.
  22. My body is a canvas for self-love and self-expression.
  23. I reject the pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.
  24. I am free from the opinions of others about my body.
  25. I choose love and acceptance over criticism and judgment.
  26. I am in tune with my body’s needs and honor them with care.
  27. I am worthy of feeling confident in my body.
  28. I nurture my body with positive thoughts and self-care.
  29. I reject the idea that my worth is tied to my appearance.
  30. I radiate self-confidence and grace in my own body.
  31. I am free to define my beauty and worth on my terms.
  32. I am confident in my body’s ability to carry me through life’s adventures.
  33. I release negative thoughts about my body and replace them with love.
  34. I am deserving of love and belonging, just as I am.
  35. I embrace imperfections as a part of my unique story.
  36. My body is my sanctuary, and I honor it with positivity.
  37. I choose to focus on what truly matters – my well-being and happiness.
  38. I do not need anyone else’s approval to love myself – body and soul.
  39. I am grateful for the journey of self-acceptance I am on.
  40. I honor my body by listening to its needs and responding with care.

Tips to Add Body-Positive Affirmations to Your Life

Tips to Add Body Positive Affirmations

1. Create a Daily Routine:

Dedicate a few minutes each day to recite your favorite body-positive affirmations. This daily practice can eventually help rewire your thought patterns and change the way you think and see yourself.

2. Personalize Your Affirmations:

You can tailor the affirmations to suit yourself and your body positivity journey. Choose the ones that resonate with you the most and address specific body issues you struggle with the most.

3. Practice Mirror Work:

Stand in front of a mirror and say your affirmations out loud at least once or twice a day. Connecting visual and auditory cues can also increase the impact of body-positive messages.

4. Try Your Hand at Journaling:

Write down your positive body affirmations in a journal, along with any thoughts they accompany. This gentle reflection on your journey can add valuable thoughts and motivation to keep you going.

5. Surround Yourself With Affirmations:

Place your favorite body-positive affirmations where you’ll see them. I put my favorite ones on my bathroom mirror, fridge surface, and sometimes on my phone’s lock screen too.

Embracing body-positive affirmations is an amazing yet underrated act of self-love. These affirmations for body positivity carry the potential to reframe your self-perception, boost self-acceptance, and nurture a healthy relationship with your body. When you add these body-positive affirmations to your daily routine, you take steps to build a confident and compassionate connection with yourself.

Remember, every affirmation is a celebration of your body and beauty. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise!

You’re beautiful, confident, and loveable!

Let us know which body-positive affirmation caught your attention the most in the comments below! 

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Inner Childhood Wounds: What Do They Mean, Signs, And How To Overcome

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Nobody’s childhood was perfect… some of us had emotionally unavailable, emotionally unsafe, dependent, emotionally incest, strict parents, or caregivers! It takes a lot for some parents to realize the awareness, responsibility, and capacity to fulfill the emotional needs of their children.

Emotional safety and security are more than we can imagine! Ever thought about what happens when we constantly battle with feelings of unsafe, insecure, or unavailability… wound develops in our brain.

Do you know what makes our inner childhood wounds more dangerous…we … especially when we try to repress those feelings again and again.

In this blog, we will learn what inner childhood wounds are, the signs of inner childhood wounds, and how to overcome them. So, let’s get started!

What are Inner Childhood Wounds?

Let us begin with the basics first… what is an inner child? Well, the inner child is a part of our soul that is still creative, innocent, and keeps different healthy and positive aspects towards life, really does not matter if you’re 25 or 80… inner child lives with us!

When we stay connected with our inner child, it makes us feel inspired, motivated, and excited even for little things and when we get disconnected with our inner child…it does the opposite!

When we were young, there were certain situations or circumstances which made us feel abandoned, hurt, or traumatized (intentionally or unintentionally). Inner childhood scars are those traumatizing situations that happened during childhood that makes us feel shameful, unworthy, unlovable, fearful, distrustful, ungifted, unwanted, and whatnot.

With all those scars, when we become a caregiver or parents, we try to fulfill all our unmet needs. This helps in repressing the trauma we’ve been hiding for so long. but, do you know that the trauma or wounds remain active…it’s just we learn to dissociate with it.

Psychologically, it is really important to acknowledge, process, and heal your wounds so that you can end this cycle of suffering and put yourself on the journey of self-healing! The first step towards self-healing is to acknowledge our signs and process them. In the next section, let us read about the signs of inner childhood wounds.

20 Signs of Inner Childhood Wounds

In this section, let us read about the signs of inner childhood wounds so that we can learn the general extent of inner child:

1. Addiction

Due to suppressed wounds or unresolved issues from childhood, people pick up addictions like drugs or alcohol to cope. As a consequence, such addictions can directly impact physical and mental well-being. In such cases:

Call or visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) hotline at 800-662-4357 to get help.

2. Conflicted personality

An individual with repressed inner childhood wounds is likely to have a conflicted personality due to hidden or underlying inner childhood trauma or mental health issues. For example, for a moment you’ll find them positive and the other moment you can see them being silent for hours.

3. A constant fear of abandonment

People dealing with wounded inner childhood struggle with a constant fear of abandonment or rejection. Due to ongoing issues, they might start seeing love or affection as untrustworthy.

4. Depression

Depression is one of the common mental health disorders caused by inner childhood wounds. It’s quite natural to feel down or depressed due to neglect, abuse, or violence experienced in childhood. If the symptoms are followed by sleep disturbances, anxiety, restlessness, anger, hopelessness, or emptiness, you must connect with a mental health professional.

5. Difficulty forming relationships

Fear of being abandoned, neglected, or trust issues can also result in difficulty to form or maintain relationships with people. For example, you might want to distance yourself from people with dominating personalities as it may result in more insecurity.

6. Emotional repression

Due to neglect or abuse experienced in childhood, people might unconsciously or consciously repress their emotions as a habit. Additionally, people also learn to bottle up their inner childhood wounds in adulthood.

7. Guilt

Guilt is rooted in inner criticism and judgments expressed by loved ones in adulthood. If someone or your parents blamed you for specific situations, it is time to move on and free yourself from the guilt or shame you’ve held for years.

8. Inability to ask for help

Sadly, people struggling with inner childhood wounds are not able to seek or ask for help as they were forced to become self-reliant and independent in childhood which makes it difficult to ask for help.

9. Incapable of saying “No”

Due to a lack of boundaries and difficulty to form or maintain relationships, people with repressed inner childhood wounds are not able to say “no’ even when it’s important for their sanity.

10. Insecure attachment style

An insecure attachment style is developed due to over-clinginess, unmet emotional needs, or abandonment. To learn more about insecure attachment style, refer to:

Insecure Attachment Style: Signs, Causes, And Coping To Look For!

11. Lack of a strong identity

Children who were raised by strict parents with high standards often develop inner childhood wounds as during childhood they somehow lose their unique sense of self. The urge to prove themselves in front of their parents makes it hard to make decisions as an adult.

12. Lack of healthy boundaries

People who had emotionally incest parents lack healthy boundaries as an adult because they feel they are unreliable and they are unworthy of love which makes it more difficult to set healthy boundaries with their friends or loved ones.

13. Lack of intimacy

Due to abuse (be it emotional, physical, or sexual), a person dealing with inner childhood wounds might not be able to form intimacy directly as they might be avoiding or fearing the same inner childhood trauma again.

14. Lack of trust

Due to neglect, abandonment, abuse, or trauma, a person dealing with inner childhood wounds might develop distrust as an adult to protect themselves. They might also become unwilling to open up to others due to a lack of trust.

15. Low self-esteem

Negative feelings and lack of self-worth often result in low self-esteem especially when it is coming out from the neglect experienced during childhood. Some common symptoms of low self-esteem revolve around hyper-focusing on failures, harsh comparisons, and self-blame.

16. Perfectionism

Perfectionism runs in everyone but it’s a little bit harsher in people struggling with inner childhood wounds as they are always self-competing with themselves and trying to prove themselves in front of the world.

17. Social avoidance

People struggling through inner childhood wounds are anti-social because they identify the world through the lenses of an abuser and everything becomes traumatic for them when they try to be socially available.

18. Suppressed anger

Suppressed anger is one of the common signs of inner childhood wounds that can be developed due to inner childhood trauma, avoidance, and more. Such anger can also be developed due to a lack of trust, betrayal, shame, guilt, or judgment caused by loved ones or parents.

19. Underlying mental and physical health issues

Childhood trauma, negligence, avoidance, or judgment can be so chronic or intense that they can develop into physical and mental health issues like eating disorders, sleep disorders, insomnia, depression, headaches, low immunity, and more. Additionally, they can also develop a lack of concentration, extreme mood swings, low energy, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

20. Unworthiness

Due to neglect, abuse, abandonment, or self-worth issues, people often describe themselves as “unworthy” of everything.

Ways to Overcome Inner Childhood Wounds

1. Acknowledge your issues

The first ever step towards overcoming your inner childhood wounds is learning to un-suppress your feelings or emotions, let those feelings come out, acknowledge them, and put yourself on a self-healing journey. Acknowledge your issues so that you can allow yourself to feel deeply and mindfully. During this phase, try to recollect all the memories, struggles, or experiences you had.

2. Journal your thoughts

After acknowledging your emotions, give yourself some time and get a journal book or paper. After doing so, divide your childhood into four phases: infant, toddler, pre-scholar, and scholar. Within each stage, try to put down your thoughts, feelings, and emotions associated.

While writing down your emotions, there are high chances of feeling sad or depressed, but don’t stop and keep writing down the experiences, words, or voices followed by the inner childhood wounds. Journaling your thoughts will not only allow you to acknowledge your feelings but will also allow you to learn about your experiences more.

3. Write a letter to your inner child and self-forgive

After writing down your feelings, it’s time to say goodbye to inner childhood wounds and move positively towards new learnings and experiences. Start by writing a letter to your inner child, mentioning your feelings, and focus on staying loved, cared for, and understood.

Try to use your non-dominant hand and craft this conversation to bury the past and welcome new experiences. In the end, self-forgive and move on!

4. Connect with a loved one

After doing so, connect with a loved one (maybe your partner, friend, colleague, or relative) to talk about how you feel right now and how you felt during childhood after experiencing those inner childhood wounds.

Share your pain so that you can feel heard and validated by someone who supports you, and also share how your inner childhood was wounded so that they can support you or share their experiences to reflect on. Remember, it’s time for new experiences and investment in your overall well-being. In the end, it will be worth it!

5. Practice affirmations

Practicing affirmations is a strong way to support your new journey and feel loved, worthy, and positive. When we repeat affirmations, we begin to self-heal. To learn more about affirmations, you can take the help of:

6. Re-parent yourself

Have you ever asked yourself…how you will like to make your inner childhood safe with someone? While we move towards the journey of healing, do you know one of the best and most effective ways to overcome inner childhood wounds is to re-parent yourself?

Yes, it’s possible… you can again parent your inner child and invest in growth and development from a new perspective. It will also allow you to increase optimism, creativity, acceptance, self-love, and more.

7. Seek professional help

It’s really important to free ourselves from the traumatic experiences we’ve been holding for so long. During the process, if you feel stuck, you can always take the help of a mental health professional. A mental health professional will help you with self-acceptance and self-healing.

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The Silent Struggle: Symptoms of Silent Panic Attacks You Need to Know

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Panic attacks are known for the intense and overwhelming feelings they bring with them. Panic attacks and anxiety attacks can be identified with symptoms such as fast heartbeats, shortness of breath, shaking and trembling, and feeling an impending sense of doom. Yet, there is a variant of panic attacks that often goes hidden because of its silent nature. Yes, you guessed it! I’m talking about silent panic attacks.

Silent panic attack episodes do not show any visible signs but can be equally debilitating and distressing as the others. If you’re experiencing silent panic or anxiety attacks, then you may feel the same distress as others who experience the more visible kinds of panic attacks.

Today, we’re delving into the symptoms of silent panic attacks, what causes them, and how you can cope with them. Let’s begin!

What Are Silent Panic Attacks?

Silent Panic Attacks

Silent panic attacks or silent anxiety attacks are often referred to as hidden or internal panic attacks as they do not show visible or outward signs and symptoms that are often associated with panic attacks.

Instead of the more visible symptoms, you may experience intense emotional or psychological symptoms of panic attacks such as overwhelming fear, racing thoughts, derealization or depersonalization, rapid heartbeats, intrusive thoughts, headaches, and more.

Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms of silent panic attacks;

Symptoms of Silent Panic Attacks

  • Overwhelming Fear

One of the most common symptoms of a silent panic attack is experiencing an overwhelming or irrational fear. This fear you experience can be debilitating and make it harder for you to figure out the cause of the fear.

  • Racing Thoughts

Another symptom of silent anxiety or panic is experiencing racing thoughts. During a silent panic attack, the mind can become overcome with worried thoughts. These thoughts are often negative and catastrophic and can worsen feelings of fear and dread. Rapid thoughts can also cause cognitive impairment, making it difficult to concentrate or think clearly.

  • Detachment From Reality

Zoning out or feeling detached from reality is another symptom of silent anxiety that you shouldn’t ignore. Instead of visible signs of distress and unease, you may feel emotionally numb. This emotional disconnect can be truly unsettling and create a sense of derealization and depersonalization.

  • Hypervigilance

Silent panic attacks can also cause hypervigilance where you become extremely aware of the internal and physical body sensations. This heightened sense of awareness can worsen the distress you’re experiencing and start a cycle of anxiety that can be harder to let go of.

  • Physical Distress

While not as heightened as standard panic attacks, silent panic attacks can bring physical distress and sensations that can worsen your condition. These include tightness in your chest, feeling butterflies in your stomach, muscle tension, throat closing, the feeling of restlessness, headaches, and even nausea.

  • Shallow Breathing

When you experience a silent panic attack, you may become acutely aware of your breaths. This can lead you to breathe shallowly. When your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, it can intensify the sensations caused by panic and anxiety.

  • Increased Heart Rate

Although this symptom may not be as pronounced as standard panic attacks, even then you may experience a rapid heart rate and physical discomfort when silent panic and anxiety attacks. This symptom may, however, become overshadowed by emotional and cognitive symptoms.

What Causes Silent Panic Attacks?

Causes Silent Panic Attacks

The causes of silent panic attacks are somewhat similar to those of standard panic attacks. Your silent panic attack may be triggered by factors such as;

  • An imbalance in the brain chemistry and neurotransmitters. An imbalance in serotonin and norepinephrine can contribute to panic and anxiety.
  • If there is a history of panic or anxiety disorders in your family, then it can also increase your susceptibility to panic attacks.
  • Chronic stress or witnessing a traumatic event can also trigger panic attacks as your body goes into the stress response triggering the “fight or flight” response.

Why Do We Experience Silent Panic Attacks?

You can experience silent panic attacks for various reasons, including your stress response. Some people may suppress the more visible symptoms of panic attacks because of the stigma and social judgment that exists. This can make their panic attack turn inward and manifest as an internal panic attack.

If you focus strongly on your internal sensations and thoughts, then it can also make you experience silent panic attacks. You may become highly aware of your body sensations and interpret them as alarming. This heightened awareness can intensify the emotional nature of panic attacks.

Some people may find it hard to regulate their emotions so when they are faced with intense anxiety, their emotional response may become more internal, leading to silent panic or anxiety attacks rather than overt panic attacks. Even sensitivity to stress and emotional triggers can cause you to experience silent panic attacks.

Another factor that can make us experience silent panic attacks is learned behavior. Yes, when you hear or see others’ experiences with panic attacks, then it can also influence your perception of what a panic attack should look like. If you believe that a panic attack must involve physical symptoms, say trouble breathing, then you may not recognize your silent panic experience as valid.

How to Cope With Silent Panic Attacks?

Panic Attacks

You can learn to cope with silent panic attacks just like you can do with standard panic attacks. Here are some ways you can cope with silent panic attacks;

  • Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises: You can engage in mindfulness and breathing exercises to ground yourself in the present moment and control your breathing, the most common symptom of a panic attack – covert and overt.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): If you believe that your symptoms of silent panic attacks are out of control, then you can work with a therapist to reframe the negative thoughts that may be causing your silent panic attacks.
  • Focus on Self-Care: Make sure you get enough sleep, eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and add relaxation techniques into your daily routine so that you can reduce the day-to-day stress and anxiety that might contribute to your panic and anxiety attacks.
  • Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): PMR is a relaxation technique that involves purposefully tensing and relaxing muscles to release physical tension. If you’re experiencing the symptoms of silent panic attacks, then you can practice PMR to release muscle tension and stress.
  • Medications: If you are unable to control or cope with silent panic attacks, then you can reach out to a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist can prescribe medications to help you cope and manage the symptoms of silent panic attacks, especially if they are severe and interfere with your daily life.

Make sure you do not take any medication that is NOT prescribed by your doctor. Remember, certain medications may have side effects that can worsen your panic attacks. Always consult with a physician before taking any medications.

Wrapping Up…

Silent panic attacks might not be as visible as standard panic attacks but they are no less distressing and debilitating. It’s important to recognize and validate silent panic attacks and people who experience them. When you know the symptoms of silent panic attacks and anxiety attacks, only then you can find the right ways to cope with them and reduce the helplessness they bring with them.

If you or someone you know are experiencing silent panic attacks, then it is recommended that you seek professional help. A professional can help you implement effective coping strategies that can reduce the symptoms of panic and anxiety and promote calmness.

No matter what, always remember that recovery is a journey, and while the path may be less traveled and filled with challenges, it’s not an impossible path to take.


Continue ReadingThe Silent Struggle: Symptoms of Silent Panic Attacks You Need to Know

The Impact of Eudaimonic Happiness on Our Well-Being And In Our Lives

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The Impact of Eudaimonic Happiness on Our Well Being And In Our Lives

In the pursuit of happiness, we come across many thoughts and experiences. Some of the experiences bring us momentary joy and happiness while others last long and make us feel like we did something for ourselves, for once, and feel proud of it. Some of you may know that what I’m talking about are two types of happiness – hedonic (the happiness we get from momentary pleasures) and the other eudaimonic (the happiness that feels long-lasting).

The kind of happiness that goes beyond the fleeting moments and pleasures to focus on living a fulfilling and purposeful life is eudaimonic happiness.

But, is eudaimonic happiness truly ever-lasting? Can this type of happiness be truly good for our well-being in the long run? Isn’t hedonic happiness better than eudaimonic happiness?

How Eudaimonic Happiness Impacts Mental Health

What is Eudaimonic Happiness

Eudaimonic happiness comes from Greek philosophy or more specifically, Aristotelian philosophy, where the term eudaimonia translates to “happiness”. This term of happiness emphasizes the idea of flourishing and living while having your potential, values, and virtues in alignment.

Unlike hedonic happiness which centers around chasing pleasure and momentary happiness, eudaimonic happiness goes beyond temporary joy and experiences to focus on long-term growth, pride, and fulfillment.

Where hedonic happiness places the primary focus on instant gratification to increase positive experiences while diminishing or avoiding negative ones, eudaimonic happiness focuses more on self-acceptance and personal fulfillment as well as growth as a person. This long-lasting happiness involves finding meaning in your life and making a positive impact on others as well as gaining a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond simple life pleasures.

Eudaimonic Happiness and Well-Being

According to various psychological studies, there is a strong link between eudaimonic happiness and your well-being. When you choose to engage in activities that are not only meaningful to you but also align with your values and core, you gain higher levels of life satisfaction, resilience, and cognitive functioning.

Eudaimonic happiness has also been linked to high self-esteem, a sense of purpose in life, healthy and positive relationships, personal growth, and fulfillment. All of which contribute greatly to your overall well-being and health.

In studies related to healthy benefits, eudaimonic happiness has been shown to contribute to a purpose-driven life. This philosophical approach to happiness is recorded to reduce health problems, increase longevity, and even reduce various health risks.

In terms of psychology and motivation, it is believed that eudaimonic happiness can bring long-term satisfaction and fulfillment compared to the short-term benefits of hedonic happiness.

How Eudaimonic Happiness Impacts Mental Health

How Eudaimonic Happiness Impacts Mental Health

Eudaimonic happiness can also leave a great impact on our mental health and wellness. When you live a purposeful life and live with a sense of meaning, you’re likely to feel a sense of contentment and satisfaction. Eudaimonic happiness has also been shown to help reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.

Eudaimonic happiness can also help buffer the effects of stress and adversity that you may experience in your day-to-day life. This happiness can also benefit your mental health by promoting positive relationships. When you create meaningful connections with others, you’re more likely to feel supported and connected, reducing the effects of isolation and loneliness.

In other studies, it has been reported that eudaimonic happiness can contribute to better cognitive functioning. People who embrace eudaimonic happiness are more likely to have better memory, attention span, and problem-solving abilities. It is believed that this is possible because eudaimonia brings a sense of well-being and contentment with it.

The Six “Pillars” of Eudaimonic Happiness

Experts of the eudaimonia school of Happiness believe that six pillars provide a sturdy foundation that eudaimonic happiness rests upon;

1. Meaning And Purpose:

Finding a sense of purpose in life is important to embrace eudaimonic happiness. This means pursuing activities that align with your core values and virtue.

2. Personal Growth:

Always working on self-improvement and chasing opportunities that allow you to grow is another element of eudaimonic happiness.

3. Being Authentic:

Another element that is crucial in eudaimonic happiness is being true to yourself and living your authentic life. This means embracing your values, strengths, and passions as they are every day.

4. Being Present in The Moment:

This means engaging and immersing yourself in experiences that promote a state of flow and where you’re present in the moment. This kind of presence and engagement can bring a sense of long-lasting joy and fulfillment.

5. Positive Relationships:

Another pillar of eudaimonic happiness is positive relationships. This involves creating positive and meaningful relationships with people who support and encourage your desires, needs, and your unique perspective on life.

6. Self-Acceptance:

Another important element of eudaimonic happiness is self-accepting, meaning that you accept who you are – strengths, weaknesses, flaws, and values – as they are and choose to continue to improve yourself.

How to Embrace Eudaimonic Happiness?

How to Embrace Eudaimonic Happiness

Eudaimonic happiness might seem like an abstract concept, but fret not! There are some easy and practical ways to embrace this long-lasting happiness;

1. Know Your Values

To begin embracing eudaimonic happiness, you need to first take time to identify your values and align them with the actions you take. You can start by engaging in activities that give you a sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

2. Seek Growth

This you can do by setting goals that challenge you. Don’t turn away from new opportunities that allow you to learn and grow. It could be achieved simply through learning something new, engaging in new hobbies, or pursuing more creative experiences.

3. Try Mindfulness

Eudaimonic happiness can be easily achieved when you learn to live in the present moment and this can be achieved when you practice mindfulness meditation or other mindfulness exercises. Mindfulness exercises can help you develop an awareness of your present and foster a state of flow.

4. Build Connections

Try to build and nurture positive relationships with yourself and others around you. Having positive and meaningful relationships can help you gain a sense of belonging that can contribute to your eudaimonic happiness as well.

5. Engage in Acts of Kindness

Consider giving back to the community. You can do it by engaging in acts of kindness or volunteering for a cause you care about. Volunteering and giving back to the community can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to your life, effectively contributing to eudaimonic happiness.

6. Be True to Yourself

Don’t forget, authenticity is one of the most important pillars of eudaimonic happiness and to fully embrace long-lasting happiness, you need to remain true to who you are. Express your thoughts and feelings honestly. This simple act of being yourself will allow you to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Wrapping Up

Eudaimonic happiness is the pleasure and joy that goes beyond momentary happiness. This happiness taps into the deeper areas of your existence. When you align your core values, pursue what matters to you, embrace your true self, and find meaningful connections, then you can feel a sense of fulfillment, contentment, and happiness – the kind that is authentic and ever-lasting.


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