Kindred Spirit In Relationships: Signs You Found Yours!

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We often ask the universe to send us someone who completely understands us, knows how we exactly feel in different situations, someone who is just made for us. However, we always know how difficult it is to find someone who thinks like us and has similar thought processes, attitudes, opinions, etc.

Such people with whom all your value systems, thoughts, and personality match are called your kindred spirits. These kindred spirits are difficult to find but if you are lucky enough to find yours, you’ll see how quickly you find a rhythm with them.

Your kindred spirits are those people who are an identical copy of your mindset.  Today, in this blog we are going to understand the concept of kindred spirits and how to know you have found yours. Shall we begin?

What Is A Kindred Spirit?

What Is A Kindred Spirit

According to  Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist from Yeshiva University kindred spirits are those people who are very compatible with you. Kindred spirits are like-minded and often share a strong bond. These people are also believed to have identical perspectives as well.

It is believed by relationship exerts that kindred spirits find a very strong connection with each other right from the beginning. It’s strange to connect with some so quickly but with kindred spirits, it is quite common.

Also Read: The 80/20 Relationship Rule: What You Need to Know

Sometimes, because of certain situations, kindred spirits have to part ways but whenever they reunite, it’s like they never left each other. It’s very easy to fall right back into that relationship because their frequency match is impeccable.

Are Kindred Spirits Different From Twin Flame?

Are Kindred Spirits Different From Twin Flame

Many people confused kindred spirits to be similar to twin flames or soulmates. However, they might look similar but are not the same. Let me tell you how they are different from each other. When discussing twin flames or soulmates a romantic relationship is always involved.

Whereas when discussing kindred spirits, a romantic relationship is unnecessary. With kindred spirits, you can have a romantic relationship, a friendship, a familial relationship, or any platonic relationship.

Twin flames relationships or with soulmates are driven by love, romantic attraction, passion, etc. On the other hand, kindred spirits are driven by common interests, shared thoughts, similar ideologies, etc.

Signs You’ve Found Your Kindred Spirit

Signs You’ve Found Your Kindred Spirit

Now, you might think it’s simple to know if you’ve found your kindred spirit but sometimes we fail to notice their presence because we are too busy chasing other people. Anyway, to know if you’ve found your kindred spirit, here are a few signs you need to keep in mind;

1. Shared interest:

Both of you will share a common interest for example the same hobbies or the same feelings about certain things in life, the same opinions, etc.

2. Instant connection:

When you meet your kindred spirit it is impossible to not connect with them instantly. Do you have someone you connected to almost immediately after the first meeting?

3. Very strong bond:

With kindred spirits, the bond is so strange that no misunderstandings or unsaid apologies can break them apart.

4. Identical energy:

Your kindred spirit is the one with whom you share identical energy, your enthusiasm about things in life is very similar, and your vibe matches completely.

5. Strong level of comfort:

With kindred spirits, there is a very strong level of comfort, they can talk about anything and everything and be their true self around each other.

6. Mutual support:

Kindred spirits are so well aligned with each other and understand each other’s perspectives so well that their support for each other is very strong.

Importance Of Having A Kindred Spirit In Your Life

Having a kindred spirit in your life is like having a person who truly understands you because they think exactly like you. Here are a few other benefits of having a kindred spirit in your life. Let’s have a look at them;

  • With kindred spirits, you get the opportunity to share a strong and enjoyable companionship. In fact, according to research, when you share a strong companionship, you’re most likely to be happier and content in life.
  • Having kindred spirits in life offers validation when it is really needed. This is because both partners share similar beliefs and ideas therefore validation is always on the table.
  • Kindred spirits provide strong emotional support to each other because they know exactly how the other person is feeling. Their bond is so strong that they support each other in every tough situation.
  • Kindred spirits inspire each other as they keep introducing each other to new ideas and experiences. The best part is that they can trust each other’s choices because their thought process is almost identical.
  • Your kindred spirit will always help you grow personally because they can share their learning with you and help you with your self-doubts, making it possible to grow in life.



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All You Need To Know About Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Disorder)

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Do you know that conversion disorder is a rare mental illness with only 0.2-0.5% prevalence per year? Conversion disorder is a rare psychological condition that is also known as functional neurological symptom disorder. This disorder can cause speech impairment, tremors, and even paralysis. Let us take a deep look at conversion disorder, and let’s find
out how we can seek proper treatment for this rare type of mental illness.

Quick Fact-Check: Conversion disorder is likely to create disturbances in your brain which can be seen through physical symptoms. People struggling with conversion disorder usually show no activity or less activity due to improper brain functioning.

What is Conversion Disorder?

Conversion disorder also known as functional neurological disorder is a rare mental health condition with physical symptoms such as paralysis, speech impairment, and more. This disorder is developed when our brain converts the effects of mental health issues into disruptions in our nervous system. The symptoms do not stand for brain-related conditions, but they are recognized under the “Diagnostic and Statistical Mental Health Disorders 5th Edition (DSM-5). Research shows that nobody can fake this condition because it causes physical health symptoms which can be a real thing.

Quick Fact-Check: Conversion disorder affects people throughout their lifespan. Symptoms of conversion disorder are more age-related. For example, seizures are commonly seen between the age of 20-29, and movement-related symptoms are more commonly seen between the age of 30-39.

Symptoms of Conversion Disorder

The onset of conversion disorder can be seen by voluntary motor functioning or sensory functioning. Research shows that the symptoms of conversion disorder are the result of the way of dealing with unexpressed emotions or unresolved stress which triggers the disorder even worse. Typically, conversion disorder affects movements, functioning, and senses as well. Below are some of the common symptoms of conversion disorder:

  • Abnormal walking
  • Coordination impairment
  • Convulsions
  • Double vision or blindness
  • Impaired speech
  • Loss of balance
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Loss of touch
  • Loss of voice
  • Numbness of loss of touch
  • Paralysis
  • Problems hearing
  • Seizures
  • Temporary blindness or double vision
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Tremors
  • Unresponsiveness

Causes of Conversion Disorder

Due to less prevalence, I was not able to find exact research or causes behind the development of conversion disorder. Since conversion disorder is caused by abnormal flows in the brain, I could find some studies that show a connection between trauma, stress, and conversion disorder. Below are some of the common causes behind the development of conversion disorder according to the studies and research:

  • Childhood abuse
  • The presence of other mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, or depression
  • Traumatic event
  • Recent stressful events acting as a trigger for conversion disorder

Risk Factors of Conversion Disorder

Below are some of the common risk factors of conversion disorder:

  • Women are at higher risk of developing conversion disorder
  • Compulsiveness, hard-working personality, perfectionism, and high level of conscientious can also cause this disorder
  • Having family members or genetics can also cause this disorder
  • Maladaptive personality traits can also cause this disorder

Diagnosis of Conversion Disorder

If you think you or your loved one might be struggling with conversion disorder, you must connect with a health care provider for proper diagnosis and the presence of other mental health or physical health conditions such as stroke, lupus, multiple sclerosis, periodic paralysis, and more.

In order to be diagnosed with conversion disorder you must have:

  • One or more symptoms related to the brain’s control, movement, or senses
  • Symptoms must not match with other recognized conditions
  • Symptoms must be unexplainable, they must not collide with a mental health issue
  • The symptoms must be disrupting your overall quality of life

Quick Fact-Check: In order to be diagnosed with conversion disorder, your symptoms must be inconsistent with a recognized medical condition.

Treatment of Conversion Disorder

Psychotherapy is usually a front-line approach to treat conversion disorder, due to the presence of physical symptoms, physical therapy, biofeedback, and medications are also prescribed. Below are some of the common treatment methods followed after diagnosing conversion disorder:


1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is one of the most commonly used therapies that helps replace negative thoughts with positive ones. It also helps in recognizing triggers and teaches healthy coping ways.


Hypnotherapy helps in recognizing symptoms and working on your senses.

3.Group or Family Therapy

Group therapy or family therapy helps in understanding symptoms on the basis of other’s experiences and also helps in seeking support.

Other Treatments


Biofeedback is an alternative therapy that helps in proper body functioning and improving overall well-being.

5.Physical Therapy

Physical therapy helps in recovering from the physical symptoms.


Medication is prescribed to treat specific symptoms such as anxiety, stress, or depression-related symptoms.

Tips to Cope with Conversion Disorder

Here’s how you can cope with conversion disorder along with therapy:

  • Try relaxation techniques
  • Do not miss sessions and participate in therapy sessions
  • Take your medications as prescribed
  • Maintain a healthy sleeping and eating routine
  • Seek support from your loved ones and foster such relationships
  • Try yoga or meditation for instant calming

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the common symptoms of conversion disorder?

Some of the common symptoms of conversion disorder are sense-related disruptions, and troubles with senses such as smell, taste, vision, and touch. Additionally, hearing loss, numbness, or tunnel vision are possible symptoms of conversion disorder.

Q. Do you need treatment for conversion disorder?

If you or your loved one are recently diagnosed with conversion disorder, know that treatment is required to treat or manage some chronic symptoms. Additionally, treatment is always a better idea for a better future and improvement of overall well-being.

Q. Are people with conversion disorder faking their illness?

Conversion disorder can never be faked, it’s a rare type of psychiatric condition that can be really traumatic or stressful. Therefore, if your loved one is showing symptoms related to conversion disorder, please connect with a health provider ASAP.

Q. Can conversion cause paralysis?

Conversion disorder can cause paralysis as it can cause problems with the nervous system such as the spinal cord, brain, and other nerves).


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How Dating Someone Who Isn’t Your “Type” Can Be Worth It

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What does having a type mean and why moving out of your comfort zone and dating someone not your type is beneficial?

“Life has a way of surprising us with the most extraordinary people at the most unexpected times.”

Yet, without considering this fact, most people stick to the ‘type’ when searching for a partner. It’s like sticking to a favorite dish at a restaurant without exploring new flavors that might lead to a delightful surprise. Opening up to different kinds of people can lead to unexpected connections and a deeper understanding of what matters.


What Does Having a Type Mean?

In dating and relationships, having a “Type” refers to someone with specific characteristics, traits, or qualities you find attractive. These include physical appearance, personality traits, interests, values, and lifestyle. This helps find potential partners, but it’s not a strict rule.

For example, if you like tall, well-built, fair, and witty people, you will look for these qualities in potential partners, which is called “type.” However, this set of traits is entirely subjective. The person you find appealing might be unappealing to some.

As opposed to this, sometimes people find themselves attracted to those who are not their usual “type.” These people are open-minded and understand that meaningful connections can be formed with individuals who may not perfectly fit their predefined criteria.

Why Do We Date the Same Type?

Why Do We Date the Same Type

Like attracts like this is why we often get attracted to those with physical characteristics and personality traits that we like or can resonate with. Besides this, psychological, biological, and societal factors also draw our attention to specific types. Here, we discuss these patterns.

1. Familiarity and Comfort:

Humans tend to get attracted to things and people they feel connected and comfortable with. A person who made us feel happy, cared for us, and was supportive, especially in our early years, influenced our choices.

This is why, when looking for a potential partner, often the traits and qualities of that person are what we look for. This familiarity makes us decide whether or not to date a person and also makes us believe that a positive experience will be enjoyed with such people.

2. Reflecting Our Values and Interests:

Type, as explained, are people who share qualities we like. In addition, if the person shares values, interests, and lifestyles that resonate with us, a stronger sense of compatibility is created, helping create shared experiences, which are important for forming a connection.

Similar values, interests, and lifestyles create a sense of compatibility and understanding. We naturally seek out people with whom we have common ground.

3. Predictable:

Dating someone with qualities we like makes it easy to predict how they will act and react. We can expect how they will communicate, behave, and interact. This predictability can create a sense of stability in the relationship.

4. Self-Identification:

When we see similar qualities as we have in our “type,” we identify with them. This creates a sense of resonance and understanding between partners. This makes creating a bond easy, and that is why we like dating someone who is our type.

We’re often attracted to people who embody qualities or traits we identify with or aspire to have ourselves. It’s a way of seeking a reflection of our values and beliefs.

5. Learning and Growth:

Dating a familiar type provides opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. When we date someone with the same preferences, qualities, and attributes, we see where to improve and how to set boundaries.

Also, it helps us understand what we value in a partner and what makes a person dislike the other.

6. Unconscious Patterns:

Sometimes, the attraction towards a person is influenced by unconscious patterns formed through past experiences, family dynamics, or societal influences. Also, there is a possibility that we meet someone and like the person during childhood, and that impression makes us find the same characteristics in future partners.

Our attractions can be influenced by unconscious patterns formed through past experiences, familial relationships, or societal influences. These patterns can shape our preferences without us even realizing it.

7. Biological Factors:

Sometimes, certain biological factors, like pheromones and physical traits, influence attraction. Our RAS is wired with ancient learning, so we are drawn to health, fertility, and compatibility characteristics.

8. Social and Cultural Influences:

Society and culture play a significant role in shaping our ideals of attractiveness. Media, in particular, can influence our perception of what is desirable in a partner. Romantic movies play an important role in making us frame a picture of a potential partner and what we look for in the partner.

9. Personal Experiences:

Positive personal experiences with individuals play an essential role in forming likeability for a type and disliking others. When we see a person possessing certain traits or qualities with which we can associate and have had a positive experience, we get attracted to those attributes.

In contrast, when we have negative experiences with a person with some specific traits, we avoid these types and never consider them as potential partners.

10. Psychological Compatibility:

We’re often attracted to people who complement our psychological makeup. For example, introverted people might be drawn to someone more extroverted to balance their dynamic.

In addition, natural chemistry and connection also attract us to particular people. Though this cannot be explained or quantified, it is a feeling with which one can resonate and have a mutual understanding.

The Beauty of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone – Why Is It Important to Break the Cycle?

Attraction is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, but this doesn’t mean we create a block in our mind that we cannot like anyone outside the set parameters. Understanding why we get attracted to some and despise others provides insights. But it also helps to understand that having an open mind and a willingness to connect with those who don’t share similar values will help us explore the unexplored world.

There are several stories where people took a chance on someone outside their usual “type” and were rewarded with enriching experiences and a developing a lifetime bond. These experiences are essential for growth and connection.

Discovering New Perspectives

One of the greatest gifts of dating beyond your usual type is the opportunity to expand your horizons. Engaging with someone with different backgrounds, interests, and perspectives challenges your preconceptions and helps grow your personality. It’s through these diverse interactions that we learn and evolve as individuals.

Building Stronger Connections

Dating someone not your typical “type” helps build deeper emotional connections. When you meet someone who you never expected to meet and try to know that person, you go above and beyond, allowing for a greater understanding of what truly matters in a relationship. Shared values, trust, and mutual respect are often considered the cornerstone for forming lasting partnerships.

Still, over time, attraction fades, which is not the case when you are attracted to someone who is not your type because there is always something new about them that keeps the spark alive.

Embracing the Unexpected

Today, life has become so busy that we don’t have time to spend with others just to know them. This is why we pick the shorter router of selecting a partner who fits the patterns we like. However, when we seek familiarity and dismiss those who don’t fit our predefined notions of the perfect partner, we miss out on opportunities that knock on our door.

Love and connection often defy our expectations. Hence, we should keep our hearts open for those who are our “type.” This not only opens the door to unique experiences and personal growth, but you never know if the perfect person for you is outside the parameters you have set.

Broadened Perspectives:

Being with someone different brings you face-to-face to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences you might not have encountered otherwise. This helps broaden how you look at things and how you behave, making you grow personally and professionally.

Personal Growth:

Stepping outside your comfort zone challenges you to adapt, learn, and develop new aspects of yourself that you may not have discovered otherwise. This helps you understand what it is that you need to improve, and you start to pay attention to yourself more.

Enhanced Communication Skills:

Interacting with someone who thinks differently improves your communication skills and encourages you to be more open-minded.

Breaking Unhealthy Patterns:

If looking for a type and dating your type has always broken your heart, and you have witnessed unhealthy or unfulfilling relationships, dating someone different can be refreshing and potentially lead to healthier dynamics.

Learning About Compatibility:

When dating someone who is not your type, you can understand what truly matters in a relationship beyond initial attraction, focusing on values, shared interests, and mutual respect.

Discovering Unexpected Common Ground:

Sometimes, seemingly different people can have surprising compatibility regarding values, communication styles, and long-term goals. Also, being with someone who doesn’t fit your parameters challenges any stereotypes you may hold about what makes a compatible partner.

Avoiding Redundancy:

Dating similar people repeatedly might seem boring and redundant. This makes you lose interest in the person and yourself. However, when you explore new types of people, it leads to more dynamic and fulfilling relationships.

Finding Unexpected Chemistry:

Attraction isn’t always immediate. Sometimes, deeper connections can develop over time, even if the initial attraction isn’t what you might have expected. Also, when you expand your social circle, you start learning things differently; this broadens your friend circle and allows you to explore chemistry equations.

Dating someone who is not your type might seem uncomfortable, but if you are looking for a way to explore yourself, you should give it a try. When you can create connections with people you consider not a good fit, they help you understand your blocks and open unexpected possibilities that you were unable to explore as you were limiting yourself.

Is it Bad to Date Someone Who Isn’t Your Type?

Dating a familiar type is natural as you feel comfortable and get a sense of security. But when you limit yourself to a type, you intentionally limit chances to meet new people and develop new connections. This is why you should never constrain yourself and stop exploring different connections.

Stepping out of your comfort zone helps you understand what you miss. Also, it helps develop new and enriching experiences and leads to discovering qualities in a partner we hadn’t considered before.

Love and connection can often surprise us when we least expect it.

Can Someone Be Attractive But Not Your Type?

Attraction is multifaceted. You get attracted to someone sometimes because of their physical appearance, sometimes because of their behavior, and sometimes intellect. Therefore, when you find someone who is attractive but does not align with our predefined “type” , never ignore the possibility of creating a connection. Having compatibility in values, shared interests, and emotional connection is good but you can’t ignore the physical attraction. So, explore the connection beyond the surface; you never know if it can lead to unexpected and deeply fulfilling relationships.

Remember, you can be attracted to anyone even when they don’t align with your personal “type.” Therefore, when you feel attracted to someone who does not share similar characteristics, values, personality, interests, and other non-physical attributes, don’t stop yourself from trying it.

You might find someone physically attractive, but they don’t align with what you want in a partner. While there can be someone who isn’t attractive, you can create a strong connection. So always keep your mind open.

Attraction is subjective and can manifest in various ways for different people.

Should I Date Someone I’m Not Attracted To?

It is crucial to differentiate between understanding with whom you can have a long-term relationship, and it is just an attraction. While the initial sparks and physical attractions cannot be dismissed, they should never be the basis for pursuing a relationship.

Taking time to understand the person deeper will open up the layers of attractiveness you could not initially see. Give someone and yourself a chance; the most meaningful connections can develop over time.

Finding Unexpected Treasures in Unpredictable Path

Sometimes, the most extraordinary connections come from the most unexpected places. So, when searching for a partner or considering going on a date, try every one. Even if the person doesn’t fit in your type parameter, give a person a change. You never know if you can discover something beautiful and transformative.

Love knows no bounds in matters of the heart. Embracing the idea of dating someone who isn’t your usual “type” might be discomforting, but unless you give it a chance, you will never know what you might be missing and what might delight you. If you keep eating one type of food, you will never know what other flavors and cuisines are there.

You can only understand what you want when you explore all the avenues. Therefore, stop limiting yourself, focus on creating genuine connections, and share moments that truly matter. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. You might just find something extraordinary in the most unexpected of places.

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What’s The Deal With A Love-Hate Relationship?

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What does it feel like to be in a love-hate relationship? People with experience say that it’s like a full-blown roller-coaster. It’s like a ride you intend to take but not wanting to get on, but how does someone get into a love-hate relationship?

Let’s be honest, I don’t think anyone purposely gets into a love-hate relationship. I think it’s all about the ups and downs a couple goes through in a relationship that makes them love and hate the same person at the same time.

Many people believe that you’re excited and exhausted at the same time when you’re in a love-hate relationship. But, is it true? Can having a love-hate relationship leave you exhausted and drained?

Let’s learn the truth behind love-hate relationships, what causes love and hate in relationships, and how you can navigate the relationship as well as all the baggage attached to it.

What Is A Love-Hate Relationship?

A love-hate relationship is when you are extremely in love with the person but also think of strangling them in their sleep. You can’t stay with each other nor can you live without them.

You love spending time with each other but are also unhappy with how the other chooses to spend that time. You want them to leave you alone but when they do you can’t seem to enjoy that time because you miss them. You will argue with them all the time but you will also be seen protecting them.

Signs You’re in a Love-Hate Relationship

So, how do you know if you’re in a love-hate relationship? Watch out for these signs of a love-hate relationship;

  • You get into frequent arguments, constantly disagreeing over small matters
  • Your feelings towards the other person or situation often fluctuate. Sometimes it’s love, sometimes it’s hate
  • You experience moments of intense passion, but these moments are often followed by equally intense moments of frustration and anger
  • You often feel confused about your emotions and have difficulty explaining them or why you love and hate at the same time
  • You can’t decide whether to stay or leave, even though the relationship is causing you distress
  • You feel possessive and jealous of the situation or person you’re in a love-hate relationship with, even when you resent them
  • You are often in an on-and-off relationship with the person, especially when it’s a romantic relationship. You can’t seem to be with each other or away from each other
  • You experience a slew of emotions in the relationship and experience frequent feelings of guilt, anxiety, and frustration
  • You can’t seem to let go of the relationship and have become emotionally dependent on the person or the situation
  • You find yourself sending mixed messages to each other, sometimes expressing love and other times, expressing anger or disdain
  • You engage in self-sabotage, even when you seem to care about the person or the situation
  • Your relationship can be defined as “complicated” with many ups and downs

What Can Cause You To Have A Love-Hate Relationship With Someone?

Something has to fuel this kind of relationship, right? There has to be a reason behind such feelings and a love-hate relationship. Are you curious, just like I am to know about the causes of a love-hate relationship? Then, let’s start.

One of the reasons that you’re in a love-hate relationship can be having a volatile relationship in early life. When people experience tough love or an intense relationship they often find peace in a rough kind of connection. You might believe that conflict is just a way to express love. The arguments are your way of communication. You learn what you see and perhaps you’ve seen relationships to be volatile.

In a love-hate relationship, you may find stable relationships boring and to spice things up you feel like conflicts are necessary. You fear that the person might doubt your interest in the relationship and that’s why mixing hate with love can keep you both wired together.

Your previous relationship experiences can also lead you to have a love-hate relationship. It happens because you know it is the only way to be in a relationship. Another common reason why you might be in a love-hate relationship could be your feelings of jealousy. Feeling jealous or insecure can trigger negative feelings causing a love-hate mix.

In some cases, if your beliefs and values are different from those of the other person, then this difference can lead to ongoing tension and disagreements in the relationship, causing a love-hate kind of relationship.

Another common cause of a love-hate relationship can be the fear of abandonment or rejection. You may cling to a relationship even when it’s unhealthy, causing a love-hate dynamic. In an abusive relationship, cycles of abuse can often follow a love-hate pattern. If you’ve been in an abusive relationship, then you may have developed a love-hate pattern as well.

In other cases, emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, or depression can also affect how you see your relationship. Emotional issues, when left unchecked, can lead to love-hate feelings. Even societal pressures can create tensions in the relationship, heavily contributing to a love-hate dynamic.

How To Navigate A Love-Hate Relationship?

It’s important to understand how to navigate your love-hate relationship. It is not in any way a healthy relationship. You have to make amends because it’s not a healthy way of being. You can still be with each other only if you navigate this well.

Here’s how you can do that…

1. Be aware: Be aware of your emotions and your partner’s emotions. Getting into a conflict and not getting closure will only tangle you even more in this loop of a love-hate relationship.

2. Boundaries: Set some boundaries. Figure out what you don’t like about the other person and set some boundaries around them. You should not tolerate things just because you are in a relationship.

3. Decide for yourself: Get that control back in your life. Decide what you want for yourself. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to part ways. Live your life on your own terms. Try to push away the negative aspects of your relationship.

4. Ask for help: When you are in a love-hate relationship, you tend to look through a filter, hence it’s almost impossible to find a solution to your problem. Ask for help from your friends and family or even a mental help professional to clear your perception.

5. Communicate: Engage in open communication with the person you’re involved with in a love-hate relationship. Share your feelings and encourage them to share theirs. With good communication, you can learn to understand each other well.

6. Be Empathetic: Try to empathize with the other person and understand their point of view. Sometimes, we forget to take in others’ feelings on some matters and this neglect can also foster love-hate dynamics in relationships.

7. Focus on Positives: Try to focus on the positive aspects of the relationship. Remember the reasons why you are with the person in the first place. Take some time to appreciate the good moments instead of focusing on the bad ones.

8. Work on Conflict Resolution: Learn to address arguments and conflicts calmly and constructively rather than allowing them to escalate. Letting arguments lead your actions can cause anger and resentment in relationships.

9. Take Breaks: If you feel that the relationship is taking a toll on your health and is emotionally draining you, then take a break to calm down and regroup with yourself.

10. Consider Your Options: See if the relationship is worth staying. You might be trying hard to improve, but the relationship isn’t changing. If this happens, then it might be good to consider other options like ending the relationship and moving on.

Well, that’s the deal with a love-hate relationship! I hope you found this blog interesting and have no more doubts about love-hate relationships. Do comment and let me know about your experience of a love-hate relationship, if you’ve ever had one. Do share it with your friends because you never know who needs to navigate their relationship.


Q: Can therapy or counseling help with a love-hate relationship, and if so, what kind of therapy is best?

Yes, therapy or counseling can help you navigate a love-hate relationship. Therapists can help you explore the causes of your love-hate relationship and develop healthy strategies to improve it. You can seek couples counseling, individual therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, or emotionally focused therapy for this love-hate dynamic.

Q: Is it possible to have a love-hate relationship with a family member or friend, or is it limited to romantic relationships?

A love-hate relationship is not just limited to romantic relationships, but can also occur in other relationships in your life such as with family, friends, and even coworkers. A love-hate relationship is not just limited to partners, but can also occur between teachers, neighbors, online relationships, and more.

Q: Is a love-hate relationship healthy?

A love-hate relationship is not considered healthy in the long run. While it’s normal to have ups and downs in any relationship and the occasional conflicts, if the love-hate feelings are persistent in a relationship, it can soon become emotionally taxing. There’s a lack of stability in love-hate relationships. In other cases, a love-hate relationship can give birth to dependency which can prevent your ability to find a stable, loving, and healthy relationship in the future.


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Grief Fatigue: What to Do When Grief Makes You Tired

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“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.” – William Shakespeare

Living through the loss of a loved one can feel like a huge wave following close behind you and is about to drown you if you stop moving forward. Moving through the loss of a dear one can feel heavy and overwhelming, and before you know it, grief has bled into almost every aspect of your life and relationships, exacting a toll on your mind and body.

While the psychological effects of loss can be emotionally draining, the physical effects of loss can make you feel sluggish and tired. If your grief makes you tired, then you’re not alone.

The sadness and pain we feel when we lose someone or something can be heavy but when this sadness goes on for a while, it can make you feel exhausted and depleted. This emotional exhaustion caused by grief can be called grief fatigue.

What can be done to let go of the burden that is grief fatigue? Are there any ways to mourn even when you’re exhausted?

Let’s take a look…

What is Grief Fatigue?

Grief is the heavy cloud of sadness that hangs over our heads when we go through the loss of a loved one or experience losing something we hold dear in our hearts. When the sadness that comes with the loss doesn’t go away for a long time and lingers in our hearts and minds, it can manifest as physical symptoms of grief such as fatigue.

When this happens, it can make you feel something referred to as “grief fatigue”. Grief fatigue is when you feel tired, worn out, or emotionally drained because you’ve been experiencing the signs and stages of grief for a long time.

Why Grief Makes You Tired?

Imagine yourself carrying a bag filled with stones as you continue to hike up a mountain. Each stone in the bag represents a memory or feeling that you relate to your loss. At first, the luggage is easier to manage, but as time passes, the luggage becomes heavier and heavier. In our case, grief is the luggage you carry. As it keeps piling up with memories and feelings, the weight of grief can make you feel tired – mind and body.

Grief in itself can be emotionally and mentally taxing as it stirs up intense emotions. You may feel sadness, anger, guilt, and even confusion at times. These emotions and feelings can take a toll on your energy, making it difficult to focus on your everyday life, tasks, relationships, and activities you enjoyed in the past.

Psychological effects of grief can also affect our physical health as we work on navigating and living through the loss of a loved one. One of the most common effects that grief can have on your physical health is sleep issues. After the death of a loved one, you may experience anxiety and a change in your routine, which can affect your sleep patterns. Not getting a good night’s sleep can leave your mind and body tired.

Another effect of grief on your body can be hypervigilance. Hypervigilance is a trauma response that can put you on edge. Being on edge all the time can also take a toll on your body and leave you feeling tired after the loss of a loved one.

Some symptoms of grief can also mimic symptoms of depression and post-trauma stress disorder (PTSD), which can make it difficult to distinguish what is causing you to feel exhausted. Prolonged grief disorder is another factor that can leave you feeling tired. Prolonged grief is when your grief symptoms persist for a long time and only become intense as time goes on.

If you’re experiencing chronic fatigue after bereavement, then it is recommended that you speak to a professional therapist or a grief counselor. Only a mental health professional can diagnose prolonged grief disorder.

What to Do When Grief Makes You Tired?

If grief is weighing you down and if grief fatigue seems more and more likely, then here are some tips to help you handle fatigue after loss;

1. Allow Yourself to Grieve

Tell yourself that it’s OK to feel sad and grieve the loss you’re experiencing. It’s also okay to feel tired after grieving someone or something you held dear in your heart. Allow yourself to feel these emotions without judgment. Tell yourself that grieving the loss and feeling what you are feeling is a part of healing.

2. Talk About Your Feelings

To handle grief fatigue, you can also learn to share your feelings with a trusted loved one or a professional grief counselor, if you want. Talking about your grief and how it makes you feel can help ease some of the emotional baggage and make you feel supported and less alone.

3. Find Healthy Outlets For Emotions

You can also take some time and focus on activities that help you express your feelings and emotions better. You can try grief journaling, painting, or writing music dedicated to your loss. These healthy outlets to express your emotions can help you process your grief and make you less emotionally burdened.

4. Practice Self-Care

Pay attention to the signals your body and mind send you when you’re grieving. Try to eat well, get enough sleep, and engage in gentle exercises to keep your mind and body healthy. A healthy body can cope better with the demands of grief. So, make time for self-care even when your grief makes you tired.

5. Create Rituals to Mourn

Another way to handle grief fatigue and process your grief is through creating rituals to honor your loss. You can honor the memory of your loved one to feel comforted and cope with the loss. Create rituals that make you feel connected to the lost loved one and also memorialize their life.

6. Join a Grief Support Group

You can also connect with others going through the same experiences to handle grief fatigue and process your loss. Connecting with others, sharing your experiences, and listening to others’ stories can be comforting. Grief support groups can also offer a safe space to share your feelings without being judged for them.

7. Be Kind to Yourself

Know that healing takes time and there’s no set schedule for grief. Tell yourself that it’s OK to have good days and bad days. When bad days do come, remind yourself to be kind and patient. It might be a tough journey, but with time you can learn to live around the grief and loss.

8. Seek Help, When Needed

Sometimes, grief fatigue can become too much to handle on your own. When grief makes you tired and leaves you feeling too drained to do anything, consider speaking to a therapist or a grief counselor. They can offer guidance and support to move on and live through the experience.

Wrapping Up…

Grief fatigue is when you feel tired, worn out, and emotionally drained. Grief fatigue or grief exhaustion can be a sign that your heart is too big and your loss too heavy. Instead of taking your tiredness as a weakness, take it as a testament to the strength of your love and care for the person or thing you’ve lost.

While the road to recovery from grief can be long and exhausting, know that you have the strength within to heal and find peace. It’s OK to feel sad and it’s OK to ask for help – through trusted loved ones, support groups, or even professionals – when grief becomes too tiring.

You can live through your grief at your own pace. Just remember to be patient and kind to yourself as you process your loss. There’s nothing wrong with what you’re feeling. And if anyone tells you otherwise, remind yourself that everyone’s experiences with grief can vary.

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Vicki Harrison


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