What’s The Deal With A Love-Hate Relationship?

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What does it feel like to be in a love-hate relationship? People with experience say that it’s like a full-blown roller-coaster. It’s like a ride you intend to take but not wanting to get on, but how does someone get into a love-hate relationship?

Let’s be honest, I don’t think anyone purposely gets into a love-hate relationship. I think it’s all about the ups and downs a couple goes through in a relationship that makes them love and hate the same person at the same time.

Many people believe that you’re excited and exhausted at the same time when you’re in a love-hate relationship. But, is it true? Can having a love-hate relationship leave you exhausted and drained?

Let’s learn the truth behind love-hate relationships, what causes love and hate in relationships, and how you can navigate the relationship as well as all the baggage attached to it.

What Is A Love-Hate Relationship?

A love-hate relationship is when you are extremely in love with the person but also think of strangling them in their sleep. You can’t stay with each other nor can you live without them.

You love spending time with each other but are also unhappy with how the other chooses to spend that time. You want them to leave you alone but when they do you can’t seem to enjoy that time because you miss them. You will argue with them all the time but you will also be seen protecting them.

Signs You’re in a Love-Hate Relationship

So, how do you know if you’re in a love-hate relationship? Watch out for these signs of a love-hate relationship;

  • You get into frequent arguments, constantly disagreeing over small matters
  • Your feelings towards the other person or situation often fluctuate. Sometimes it’s love, sometimes it’s hate
  • You experience moments of intense passion, but these moments are often followed by equally intense moments of frustration and anger
  • You often feel confused about your emotions and have difficulty explaining them or why you love and hate at the same time
  • You can’t decide whether to stay or leave, even though the relationship is causing you distress
  • You feel possessive and jealous of the situation or person you’re in a love-hate relationship with, even when you resent them
  • You are often in an on-and-off relationship with the person, especially when it’s a romantic relationship. You can’t seem to be with each other or away from each other
  • You experience a slew of emotions in the relationship and experience frequent feelings of guilt, anxiety, and frustration
  • You can’t seem to let go of the relationship and have become emotionally dependent on the person or the situation
  • You find yourself sending mixed messages to each other, sometimes expressing love and other times, expressing anger or disdain
  • You engage in self-sabotage, even when you seem to care about the person or the situation
  • Your relationship can be defined as “complicated” with many ups and downs

What Can Cause You To Have A Love-Hate Relationship With Someone?

Something has to fuel this kind of relationship, right? There has to be a reason behind such feelings and a love-hate relationship. Are you curious, just like I am to know about the causes of a love-hate relationship? Then, let’s start.

One of the reasons that you’re in a love-hate relationship can be having a volatile relationship in early life. When people experience tough love or an intense relationship they often find peace in a rough kind of connection. You might believe that conflict is just a way to express love. The arguments are your way of communication. You learn what you see and perhaps you’ve seen relationships to be volatile.

In a love-hate relationship, you may find stable relationships boring and to spice things up you feel like conflicts are necessary. You fear that the person might doubt your interest in the relationship and that’s why mixing hate with love can keep you both wired together.

Your previous relationship experiences can also lead you to have a love-hate relationship. It happens because you know it is the only way to be in a relationship. Another common reason why you might be in a love-hate relationship could be your feelings of jealousy. Feeling jealous or insecure can trigger negative feelings causing a love-hate mix.

In some cases, if your beliefs and values are different from those of the other person, then this difference can lead to ongoing tension and disagreements in the relationship, causing a love-hate kind of relationship.

Another common cause of a love-hate relationship can be the fear of abandonment or rejection. You may cling to a relationship even when it’s unhealthy, causing a love-hate dynamic. In an abusive relationship, cycles of abuse can often follow a love-hate pattern. If you’ve been in an abusive relationship, then you may have developed a love-hate pattern as well.

In other cases, emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, or depression can also affect how you see your relationship. Emotional issues, when left unchecked, can lead to love-hate feelings. Even societal pressures can create tensions in the relationship, heavily contributing to a love-hate dynamic.

How To Navigate A Love-Hate Relationship?

It’s important to understand how to navigate your love-hate relationship. It is not in any way a healthy relationship. You have to make amends because it’s not a healthy way of being. You can still be with each other only if you navigate this well.

Here’s how you can do that…

1. Be aware: Be aware of your emotions and your partner’s emotions. Getting into a conflict and not getting closure will only tangle you even more in this loop of a love-hate relationship.

2. Boundaries: Set some boundaries. Figure out what you don’t like about the other person and set some boundaries around them. You should not tolerate things just because you are in a relationship.

3. Decide for yourself: Get that control back in your life. Decide what you want for yourself. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to part ways. Live your life on your own terms. Try to push away the negative aspects of your relationship.

4. Ask for help: When you are in a love-hate relationship, you tend to look through a filter, hence it’s almost impossible to find a solution to your problem. Ask for help from your friends and family or even a mental help professional to clear your perception.

5. Communicate: Engage in open communication with the person you’re involved with in a love-hate relationship. Share your feelings and encourage them to share theirs. With good communication, you can learn to understand each other well.

6. Be Empathetic: Try to empathize with the other person and understand their point of view. Sometimes, we forget to take in others’ feelings on some matters and this neglect can also foster love-hate dynamics in relationships.

7. Focus on Positives: Try to focus on the positive aspects of the relationship. Remember the reasons why you are with the person in the first place. Take some time to appreciate the good moments instead of focusing on the bad ones.

8. Work on Conflict Resolution: Learn to address arguments and conflicts calmly and constructively rather than allowing them to escalate. Letting arguments lead your actions can cause anger and resentment in relationships.

9. Take Breaks: If you feel that the relationship is taking a toll on your health and is emotionally draining you, then take a break to calm down and regroup with yourself.

10. Consider Your Options: See if the relationship is worth staying. You might be trying hard to improve, but the relationship isn’t changing. If this happens, then it might be good to consider other options like ending the relationship and moving on.

Well, that’s the deal with a love-hate relationship! I hope you found this blog interesting and have no more doubts about love-hate relationships. Do comment and let me know about your experience of a love-hate relationship, if you’ve ever had one. Do share it with your friends because you never know who needs to navigate their relationship.


Q: Can therapy or counseling help with a love-hate relationship, and if so, what kind of therapy is best?

Yes, therapy or counseling can help you navigate a love-hate relationship. Therapists can help you explore the causes of your love-hate relationship and develop healthy strategies to improve it. You can seek couples counseling, individual therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, or emotionally focused therapy for this love-hate dynamic.

Q: Is it possible to have a love-hate relationship with a family member or friend, or is it limited to romantic relationships?

A love-hate relationship is not just limited to romantic relationships, but can also occur in other relationships in your life such as with family, friends, and even coworkers. A love-hate relationship is not just limited to partners, but can also occur between teachers, neighbors, online relationships, and more.

Q: Is a love-hate relationship healthy?

A love-hate relationship is not considered healthy in the long run. While it’s normal to have ups and downs in any relationship and the occasional conflicts, if the love-hate feelings are persistent in a relationship, it can soon become emotionally taxing. There’s a lack of stability in love-hate relationships. In other cases, a love-hate relationship can give birth to dependency which can prevent your ability to find a stable, loving, and healthy relationship in the future.


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Grief Fatigue: What to Do When Grief Makes You Tired

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“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.” – William Shakespeare

Living through the loss of a loved one can feel like a huge wave following close behind you and is about to drown you if you stop moving forward. Moving through the loss of a dear one can feel heavy and overwhelming, and before you know it, grief has bled into almost every aspect of your life and relationships, exacting a toll on your mind and body.

While the psychological effects of loss can be emotionally draining, the physical effects of loss can make you feel sluggish and tired. If your grief makes you tired, then you’re not alone.

The sadness and pain we feel when we lose someone or something can be heavy but when this sadness goes on for a while, it can make you feel exhausted and depleted. This emotional exhaustion caused by grief can be called grief fatigue.

What can be done to let go of the burden that is grief fatigue? Are there any ways to mourn even when you’re exhausted?

Let’s take a look…

What is Grief Fatigue?

Grief is the heavy cloud of sadness that hangs over our heads when we go through the loss of a loved one or experience losing something we hold dear in our hearts. When the sadness that comes with the loss doesn’t go away for a long time and lingers in our hearts and minds, it can manifest as physical symptoms of grief such as fatigue.

When this happens, it can make you feel something referred to as “grief fatigue”. Grief fatigue is when you feel tired, worn out, or emotionally drained because you’ve been experiencing the signs and stages of grief for a long time.

Why Grief Makes You Tired?

Imagine yourself carrying a bag filled with stones as you continue to hike up a mountain. Each stone in the bag represents a memory or feeling that you relate to your loss. At first, the luggage is easier to manage, but as time passes, the luggage becomes heavier and heavier. In our case, grief is the luggage you carry. As it keeps piling up with memories and feelings, the weight of grief can make you feel tired – mind and body.

Grief in itself can be emotionally and mentally taxing as it stirs up intense emotions. You may feel sadness, anger, guilt, and even confusion at times. These emotions and feelings can take a toll on your energy, making it difficult to focus on your everyday life, tasks, relationships, and activities you enjoyed in the past.

Psychological effects of grief can also affect our physical health as we work on navigating and living through the loss of a loved one. One of the most common effects that grief can have on your physical health is sleep issues. After the death of a loved one, you may experience anxiety and a change in your routine, which can affect your sleep patterns. Not getting a good night’s sleep can leave your mind and body tired.

Another effect of grief on your body can be hypervigilance. Hypervigilance is a trauma response that can put you on edge. Being on edge all the time can also take a toll on your body and leave you feeling tired after the loss of a loved one.

Some symptoms of grief can also mimic symptoms of depression and post-trauma stress disorder (PTSD), which can make it difficult to distinguish what is causing you to feel exhausted. Prolonged grief disorder is another factor that can leave you feeling tired. Prolonged grief is when your grief symptoms persist for a long time and only become intense as time goes on.

If you’re experiencing chronic fatigue after bereavement, then it is recommended that you speak to a professional therapist or a grief counselor. Only a mental health professional can diagnose prolonged grief disorder.

What to Do When Grief Makes You Tired?

If grief is weighing you down and if grief fatigue seems more and more likely, then here are some tips to help you handle fatigue after loss;

1. Allow Yourself to Grieve

Tell yourself that it’s OK to feel sad and grieve the loss you’re experiencing. It’s also okay to feel tired after grieving someone or something you held dear in your heart. Allow yourself to feel these emotions without judgment. Tell yourself that grieving the loss and feeling what you are feeling is a part of healing.

2. Talk About Your Feelings

To handle grief fatigue, you can also learn to share your feelings with a trusted loved one or a professional grief counselor, if you want. Talking about your grief and how it makes you feel can help ease some of the emotional baggage and make you feel supported and less alone.

3. Find Healthy Outlets For Emotions

You can also take some time and focus on activities that help you express your feelings and emotions better. You can try grief journaling, painting, or writing music dedicated to your loss. These healthy outlets to express your emotions can help you process your grief and make you less emotionally burdened.

4. Practice Self-Care

Pay attention to the signals your body and mind send you when you’re grieving. Try to eat well, get enough sleep, and engage in gentle exercises to keep your mind and body healthy. A healthy body can cope better with the demands of grief. So, make time for self-care even when your grief makes you tired.

5. Create Rituals to Mourn

Another way to handle grief fatigue and process your grief is through creating rituals to honor your loss. You can honor the memory of your loved one to feel comforted and cope with the loss. Create rituals that make you feel connected to the lost loved one and also memorialize their life.

6. Join a Grief Support Group

You can also connect with others going through the same experiences to handle grief fatigue and process your loss. Connecting with others, sharing your experiences, and listening to others’ stories can be comforting. Grief support groups can also offer a safe space to share your feelings without being judged for them.

7. Be Kind to Yourself

Know that healing takes time and there’s no set schedule for grief. Tell yourself that it’s OK to have good days and bad days. When bad days do come, remind yourself to be kind and patient. It might be a tough journey, but with time you can learn to live around the grief and loss.

8. Seek Help, When Needed

Sometimes, grief fatigue can become too much to handle on your own. When grief makes you tired and leaves you feeling too drained to do anything, consider speaking to a therapist or a grief counselor. They can offer guidance and support to move on and live through the experience.

Wrapping Up…

Grief fatigue is when you feel tired, worn out, and emotionally drained. Grief fatigue or grief exhaustion can be a sign that your heart is too big and your loss too heavy. Instead of taking your tiredness as a weakness, take it as a testament to the strength of your love and care for the person or thing you’ve lost.

While the road to recovery from grief can be long and exhausting, know that you have the strength within to heal and find peace. It’s OK to feel sad and it’s OK to ask for help – through trusted loved ones, support groups, or even professionals – when grief becomes too tiring.

You can live through your grief at your own pace. Just remember to be patient and kind to yourself as you process your loss. There’s nothing wrong with what you’re feeling. And if anyone tells you otherwise, remind yourself that everyone’s experiences with grief can vary.

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Vicki Harrison


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Try The Sleep Syncing Trend For a Better Snooze And Well-Being

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If you’re tired of tossing and turning at night, counting sheep in your mind until the wee hours of the morning, then you are not the only one who longs for a restful snooze. Who doesn’t want to wake up feeling refreshed, ready to face the day ahead? Well, if you’re a victim of sleepless nights too, then it’s time you gave the sleep syncing trend a try.

The sleep syncing TikTok trend might be your ticket to better – and more importantly, a restful – sleep and well-being. We all need our required amount of sleep – and I’m not talking just about the hours of sleep you get every night. While getting 7–8 hours of sleep is important, it’s equally crucial to get quality sleep.

Ignoring our sleep health can put us at risk of developing chronic issues such as high blood pressure, mental distress, heart diseases, and even anxiety and eventually, insomnia. In this blog, I’ll be exploring more about the sleep syncing TikTok trend, how it works, its benefits, and how you can practice this social media trend.

The Origins of the Sleep Syncing Trend

Sleep Syncing Trend

Unlike what you might believe, sleep syncing is a practice rooted in science. Our bodies follow a natural rhythm, known as the circadian rhythm. Our circadian rhythm or internal body clock works to tell us when to sleep and when to wake up. This sleep syncing trend lends wisdom from this internal body clock concept mixed with our busy lifestyle. In short, it’s all about aligning your internal clock with your day-to-day schedule.

Now, you may wonder “How is sleep syncing different from other sleep techniques?

Well, unlike other sleep techniques and hacks, the sleep syncing technique follows your body’s natural circadian rhythm. When you allow your body to align with your internal clock and daily routine, you can boost energy and say bye-bye to the afternoon slump.

How Does Sleep Syncing Work?

The idea behind sleep syncing is to establish a sleep routine that matches your body’s internal clock. If, “I can’t sleep” is your common Google inquiry, then this one trend is something you need to give a try. Sleep syncing might sound just like any other sleep hack or technique, but this trend has won people’s hearts for a reason. It works better than any other sleep technique. What are the reasons?

Sleep syncing helps you wake up feeling refreshed and helps you stay sharper and more focused throughout the day. When you learn to align your internal body clock with your day-to-day schedule, then you can create a solid sleep routine, making it easier for you to sleep and wake up. And the best part is that it’s all natural – no added supplements to aid sleep!

Because you get sleep as you need it, you live with an improved mood, improved productivity, and reduced risk of sleep-related issues like insomnia and daytime sleepiness. By sleeping and waking up at the same time every day, you can essentially train your body to understand its natural sleep patterns, resulting in restful and refreshed sleep.

How to Practice Sleep Syncing?

Practice Sleep Syncing

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the sleep syncing trend, let’s see how you can practice this sleep technique to improve your sleep and overall health;

  • Figure out your natural circadian rhythm: Pay attention to your body’s natural sleep cues for a week or two. Keep notes in a journal to see when you usually get sleepy and when you naturally wake up the next day. This will help you figure out your natural body clock.
  • Set a regular schedule: Based on your above discoveries, you can now create a regular sleep schedule that aligns with your body’s natural circadian cycle. When you set a schedule, stick to it.
  • Establish bedtime routines: These bedtime routines can act like appetizers before the main course aka sleep. These routines can include reading a book (not an e-book), meditating before bed, or drinking a warm, caffeine-free beverage. Make sure that during these routines, you keep your electronic devices off and away.
  • Wake up gently: To make sure this sleep syncing works, you need to make waking up an enjoyable experience. Try using gentle alarm sounds or placing your alarm clock or phone away from your bedside table. Keeping your alarm out of reach can help resist the urge to snooze.
  • Use a sleep tracker: You can also use sleep tracker apps or journals to keep track of your sleep schedule. Sleep trackers can also offer insightful information on your sleep patterns and give tips to improve your sleep further.

Factors Sleep Syncing May Not Work For You

While sleep syncing can be a game-changer for many, it may not work for everyone. If you can’t sleep or are unable to get restful sleep even after sleep syncing, then here are some factors that may be hindering your sleep;

  • You are a shift worker. If your work schedule is constantly changing, then it can be tough to maintain a regular sleep pattern.
  • Certain medical conditions or medications you take can also interfere with your circadian rhythm. To prevent this, you can consult a professional.
  • You are a night owl and prefer nighttime to daytime. If you are a night owl then you may find it challenging to adjust your sleep schedule.
  • Certain sleep disorders can also prevent you from getting restful sleep. Disorders such as delayed sleep phase syndrome or advanced sleep phase syndrome among others can disrupt your sleep patterns, making it harder for you to sleep sync.

Tips to Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

Circadian Rhythm

If you’ve been having sleep troubles at night and your internal clock is not working as it’s supposed to, then don’t fret. I have some tips for you to reset your circadian rhythm;

  • Try to gradually shift your sleep schedule by 15–30 minutes earlier each night until you reach your desired bedtime and wake-up time. You need to maintain this sleep schedule consistently – yes, even on the weekends. Only when you consistently wake up and sleep at the same time every day, can your sleep cycle sync.
  • Consider using a light therapy box that mimics natural sunlight to help reset your sleep cycle. If you can get natural sunlight exposure during the day, great! But if you can’t, then think about investing in a light therapy box or SAD Lamps.
  • Limit daytime naps and if you have to nap, then keep them short. Do not nap close to your bedtime otherwise, it will throw your sleep cycle in disarray, further making it harder for you to sleep naturally.
  • Keep your sleep environment sleep-friendly. This means that when you go to bed, keep the temperature of the room down, keep the curtains or blinds closed to avoid artificial light, and avoid listening to loud music or watching TV before bed.
  • Have a wind-down routine. Follow the same routine or do the same activities every night before bed. This will help establish a pattern. Don’t try any activities that require a lot of energy – mental and physical. Keep the activities as gentle as possible.
  • Keep yourself physically active during the day. Physical activity during the day can tire you out when it’s time to sleep.

Should You Try The Sleep Syncing Trend?

There you have it – the secrets of healthy sleep through the sleep-syncing trend. I would recommend you give the sleep-syncing trend a try. It’s unlike other sleep hacks and techniques but it works as well as any other hack. Sleep syncing is a simple way to tune your body’s natural circadian rhythms with your day-to-day routines. Once you learn to sync your internal clock with your sleep schedule, you can ensure a restful and refreshing snooze.

Give the sleep-syncing trend a try and soon, you’ll be sleeping like a baby – no more tossing and turning and counting sheep!



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Exploring The Curious Causes of Social Withdrawal + Tips to Cope With Them

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Social withdrawal is a curious behavior that can affect anyone for various reasons. This can involve anything from avoiding the company of others to avoiding activities you once loved. What we often fail to understand is that, as humans, we need social engagement and connections to thrive.

With time, I’ve learned to manage my alone time with social engagements, and trust me, it keeps me from falling into loneliness and despair. Because it helped me, I want to help you learn how to balance your solitude with social interactions without socially withdrawing.

Let’s start first by learning the signs of social withdrawal and then move on to the common social withdrawal causes, its negative effects, and how you can overcome your social withdrawal.

Social Withdrawal Signs to Watch Out

Social Withdrawal

It’s not always easy to spot signs of social withdrawal, but there are some telltale signs that you might need to watch out for before your withdrawal behavior takes over your well-being;

  • You spend more time in your company. You prefer Netflix to hanging out with your loved ones. While it’s OK to spend time with yourself, excessive alone time can be a sign of social withdrawal.
  • You have become more silent than usual and where you would chatter endlessly about anything that took your fancy, now you keep the discussions to yourself. If this is something you’re familiar with, then take it as a sign of social withdrawal.
  • You’ve started to skip social gatherings entirely and have this urge to spend time in solitude. You’ve even started making excuses to be alone. This can be a clear sign that you are socially withdrawing.
  • You don’t want to try new things anymore and have started taking on tasks that can be done without a team. You also avoid any unfamiliar setting or situation. If this is something you can relate to, then beware, this can be a sign of social withdrawal.

The Causes of Social Withdrawal

You can’t fit social withdrawal into a one-size-fits-all situation. Various factors can contribute to the causes of social withdrawal. Moreover, these causes can vary from person to person. Here are some of the most common causes of social withdrawal;

  • Stress Overload

Because of too much work or other reasons where you are often overwhelmed with stress, you’ve come to retreat into your shell. You crave some quiet time and want to spend time alone to recharge yourself and while that’s OK, excessive alone time might take a toll on your health and well-being after a while.

  • Mental Health Reasons

Sometimes, it could be signs of hidden mental health conditions that can make you socially isolated and withdrawn. In some cases, social withdrawal can be a sign of conditions like depression, anxiety, autism, post-trauma stress, schizophrenia, and even substance use disorders.

It is recommended you speak to a professional therapist to understand what might be causing your social withdrawal symptoms.

  • Major Life Transitions

Big changes in life such as moving to a new place, starting a new job, and even relationship problems such as breakup or separation can cause adults to withdraw from social events and interactions.

  • Social Rejection

If you’ve been a victim of social rejection in your life at some point, then this could be another factor that can cause social withdrawal. It could include negative social interactions, racism or bigotry, being excluded in social groups, or meeting aggression from others in a social group.

  • Personality Traits

Some folks are just naturally introverted and shy and prefer limited social interactions. However, if you regularly turn down invites to social events, then others might perceive it as a rejection from your end and might stop extending social contact. This might result in isolation and exclusion, worsening the signs of social withdrawal.

The Social Withdrawal Syndrome

If you are familiar with signs of social withdrawal, then you must have heard about the social withdrawal syndrome. Don’t worry if you haven’t. Social withdrawal syndrome, also known as “hikikomori” is when you isolate yourself in your home for more than six months, effectively cutting communication with social groups.

The more you socially withdraw, the lonelier you’ll feel, and the more you’ll withdraw further. It can become a loop that you can’t escape. With time, you may also begin to withdraw from social situations, which can cause a strain on your relationships and cause a feeling of detachment from the world.

Social withdrawal syndrome or chronic social withdrawal can even affect your physical health, causing sleep issues and poor immunity.

The Effects of Social Withdrawal in Adults

Social withdrawal doesn’t just affect the one doing the withdrawal; it can have ripple effects on people around them as well. Some of the effects of social withdrawal in adults can include;

  • Worried loved ones
  • Missed opportunities such as networking, meeting new people, etc.
  • Increased feelings of loneliness
  • Increased risk of depression
  • Increased risk of suicide or self-harm
  • Increased risk of stroke or heart problems

How to Overcome Social Withdrawal?

Overcome Social Withdrawal

If you can relate to the above-mentioned signs of social withdrawal, then here are some tips for you to help you overcome social withdrawal;

1. Take Care of Yourself

It’s OK to take some time for yourself and care for your well-being. Don’t feel bad for taking some alone time, but when doing this, make sure you maintain contact with your social connections with your loved ones. Try to go on coffee dates with your friends every once in a while, talk to your family members regularly, or even join a support group where you can continue to meet new people.

2. Work on Relaxation Techniques

Other than practicing self-care, you can work on relaxation techniques and healthy coping strategies. Exercises such as deep breathing, yoga, and mindfulness can help you regulate your anxiety and reduce your dependence on avoidance coping.

3. Try to Anchor Yourself

If you feel stressed or anxious and find yourself getting overwhelmed, then try to anchor yourself to the present moment. You can do this by noticing physical objects around you or sensations you feel. Look for things you can see and touch, listen to sounds you can hear, and let yourself feel the presence of your physical body. This can help soothe stress and anxious responses, making you feel calm.

4. Be Kind to Yourself

Even if you’ve begun to socially withdraw, don’t be harsh with yourself. Be kind and compassionate towards yourself and allow yourself to acknowledge that you’ve been isolating yourself. Try to avoid avoiding social situations and activities. Keep the positive self-talk going and motivate yourself to keep the social connections going.

5. Take Baby Steps

No one is telling you to rush into social situations headfirst. Take baby steps and start with low-pressure social interactions. Take your time to get used to social situations, events, and interactions. Taking part in small social activities will help you not feel overwhelmed and balance your limited interaction policy with regular social contact.

Wrapping Up…

Spending time with yourself in solitude from time to time is OK, but when the solitude you crave turns into social withdrawal and isolation, that’s when it can become troublesome. To avoid social withdrawal, it’s important to maintain a balance between alone time and social connections. Knowing the signs of social withdrawal and what causes social withdrawal can help you figure out how to overcome them and keep a perfect balance between isolation and social connectedness.

Whatever the causes of your social withdrawal, know that with the right help and coping strategies, you can move on and keep social connections without ruining your alone time.


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Understanding Blood Type Personality: Can You Determine Personality From Your Blood Type?

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My daughter and I share the same blood group, which explains where she got her personality from!! I am calmer, more confident, resilient, and of course a self-centered person in real…so is my daughter.  Well, it is a real thing… a blood type has a great influence on the personality.  Personality grouping goes back far to the time even before the idea of zodiac signs was developed.

You might have seen so many personality tests online or offline but you can also predict someone’s personality through their blood type. The concept of blood type personality is called Ketsueki-gata.

Biologically, there are 8 types of blood that can bring out different personalities according to the concept of Ketsueki-gata. Do you want to know more, well keep reading this blog and understand your personality based on your blood type.

Understanding the Concept of Ketsueki-gata

Let’s begin with some history first, so this concept originated in 1930 by Japanese Professor Tokeji Furukawa in a report titled, “A Study of Temperament and Blood-groups.” In this report, Furukwa argues a connection between blood type and personality which can be used to study temperament further.

According to his report, there are four body fluids that influence behavior and personality. Later, Furukwa established two classifications of temperaments such as psychological and physiological.

This concept is widely used in physiology for explaining the essence. In this report, Furukwa mentioned details of blood type corresponding with temperaments. The concept of Ketseuki-gata is still discussed in several papers, books, studies, and reports widely including in Asia and other parts of the world such as the United States, Australia, and more. as of now, Ketseuki-gata’s concept is used as a scientific study to understand the link between temperament and blood type.

In the study, Furukwa assessed personalities on the basis of an 11-question survey wherein he established a connection between his study. Though the study didn’t include a major population, it still holds its importance in psychology.

According to the results published in the study, I could conclude that:

  1. “O” Blood Type People are more peaceful or relaxed (Phlegmatic)
  2. “A” Blood Type People are more deep thinkers and self-reliant (Melancholic)
  3. “B” Blood Type People are more socially active and outgoing (Sanguine)

In 1970, Masahiko Nomi took the blood-type concept of Ketseuki-gata a step ahead. Nomi mentioned this concept in the book titled, “Understanding Affinity by Blood Type” and the book was titled to be a bestseller in Japan. After all of this acceptance and wide understanding, does the concept of blood type personality hold scientific pieces of evidence, let’s find out in the next section.

Scientific Evidence Related to Blood Type Personality

When the concept was introduced, there was no scientific evidence related to it, which was a cause for concern. Digging deep into the science, we all are aware that certain blood types are more resistant to health conditions. There’s even a study that mentioned blood-type specific diet can be really used for certain blood types and the maintenance of overall well-being.

But I was not able to find relevant studies or reports related to blood type personality in a large group. However, I could find a study that can help us understand the concept simply and effectively.

The study mentioned that our blood type can be detected from the surface of the red blood cells and this is how the ABO blood typing system was invented that involved four main blood types:

  • “A” blood group contains “A” antigen
  • The “B” blood group contains the “B” antigen
  • “AB” blood group contains “A” and “B” antigens
  • The “O” blood group contains no antigen

In this study, the authors described how certain blood types have a great genetic influence on certain chemicals of the body and they highly influence sensation and impulsion-seeking behaviors. In this way, I could understand the link between personality and blood type.

However, this clearly does not mean that our personality is based on our blood type but we can say that our blood type can be a factor that also helps in developing our personality. Now, let us find out our personalities based on the concept of Ketsueki-gata.

Blood Types and Their Personalities

Blood Types and Their Personalities

Despite the theory, concepts, discussions, and several studies published on the contrary of the blood type personality, Furukwa’s concept remains a widely understood concept. As we all know that we follow the ABO Blood Grouping system which involves four types of blood types:

  • “A” blood group contains “A” antigen
  • The “B” blood group contains the “B” antigen
  • “AB” blood group contains “A” and “B” antigens
  • The “O” blood group contains no antigen

This makes us understand that our blood type is based on the presence of antigens which are present on the surface of our red blood cells. Let us find out how Furukwa described personality types based on these four blood types:

1. Blood Type A Personality

People with blood group “A” are known to be the positive kind of people. They are creative, clever, and cooperative but they also have some negative traits such as uptightness and stubbornness. Below listed are the common personality traits of people with blood type “A”

  • Clever
  • Consistent
  • Cooperative
  • Creative
  • Deliberate
  • Loyal
  • Nervous
  • Organized
  • Reliable
  • Sensitive
  • Stubborn
  • Trustworthy
  • Uptightness

2. Blood Type B Personality

People with the B-type blood group are known to be passionate, strong, decisive, and empathetic but they also have some negative traits such as erratic and selfish behavior. Below listed are the common personality traits of people with blood type “B”

  • Ambitious
  • Carefree
  • Cheerful
  • Decisive
  • Empathetic
  • Erratic
  • Go-getter
  • Hyper-focused
  • Outgoing
  • Passionate
  • Selfish
  • Uncooperative

3. Blood Type AB Personality

People with the AB type of blood group have more alleged strengths like adaptability, rationality, and caring personality but at the same time, they struggle with criticalness, rationality, and forgetfulness. This blood type is very rare but study shows that such types of people are always appreciated around the world.  Below listed are the common personality traits of people with blood type “AB”

  • Caring
  • Composed
  • Critical
  • Dependable
  • Forgetful
  • Indecisive
  • Popular
  • Rational
  • Self-centered
  • Sociable

4. Blood Type O Personality

People with blood type O have great characteristics such as resilience, determination, and self-confidence but at the same place, they are also unstable and self-centered. Below listed are the common personality traits of people with blood type “O”

  • Arrogant
  • Confident
  • Generous
  • Insensitive
  • Intuitive
  • Jealous
  • Kind
  • Optimistic
  • Outgoing
  • Unpredictable

Pros and Cons of Blood Type Personality Concept

Below are some of the common pros and cons of and blood type personality concept introduced by Furukawa:


  • This study shows how blood can have a direct impact on our personality, additionally, how physical processes affect our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings.
  • This study also talked about how chemical imbalances create mood fluctuations and how they can serve as a great attribute to our personalities.
  • This study does not cover much scientific shreds of evidence but it does focus on how our bodies are connected with our mind or vice versa.


  • This study lacks more scientific pieces of evidence and empirical backing.
  • This concept is widely accepted in Japan but it is still known to be controversial in other countries worldwide.
  • This study also mentions cultural practice in Japan which is harassing and discriminating.

I hope this post helps you understand the concept of Ketsueki-gata and your blood type personality. Comment down and share your views based on your personality and blood type.


Continue ReadingUnderstanding Blood Type Personality: Can You Determine Personality From Your Blood Type?