The “Wordle” Obsession: Why This Word Game Can Be Good For Our Brain Health

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Why This Word Game Can Be Good For Our Brain Health

“Wordle” has taken the world by storm. In the last few weeks, this web-based word puzzle has become the most popular and widely talked about word game in the world. This Wordle word puzzle gives 6 tries to the user to guess the 5-letter word.

Having gained immense popularity at the beginning of 2022, Wordle provides a combination of challenges and social connections.

Wordle not only challenges our brain and fosters social connection but experts say that playing the Wordle word puzzle can also give your mood a boost prompted by a sense of achievement. The little joys we get from achieving success, even in a game, can not only boost our mood but can be healthy for our mental health too.

Before we move forward, let’s take a look at what in the world is Wordle.

What Is “Wordle” Word Puzzle?

wordle word puzzles

When you open the web-based puzzle, you’ll see the instructions on how to play the word game. You’ll need to guess the word of the day in 6 tries. Each guess must be a five-letter word. Once you’re done guessing, you’ll need to hit enter.

After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess was to the word. The tile will show green if the letter is in the correct spot. The tile will turn yellow if the letter is in the word but the placement is wrong. And if the tiles turn gray, then your guess is incorrect.

For the next blocks, you need to check your first attempt and make another guess. This word puzzle objective is to guess what the “wordle of the day” is before your tries run out.

This is my try at Wordle.

word sense challenge

The best thing about Wordle is that you only get one chance a day, so once you’re done guessing you won’t exactly get to spend all of your time playing this game.

Play Wordle

Why Word Games Can Be Good For Our Brain Health?

Word Games build congnitive skills

Dr. Douglas Scharre, a neurologist at the Center for Cognitive and Memory Disorders at Ohio State University, believes that solving word puzzles or playing word games such as Wordle or Scrabble can be good for your cognitive health.

When you challenge your brain to solve a problem, as in a puzzle or a game, it can stimulate key parts of your brain – reasoning, logical thinking, visual awareness, attention, and other such functions.

According to Dr. Scharre, playing word games can help prevent your memory and cognitive health from declining. The more you challenge your brain, the healthier the functions will become.

Such word games and puzzles can also help build your cognitive skills if you’re struggling with head trauma, after-effects of a stroke, sleep apnea, other memory disorder, or any disorders that affect your thinking skills.

Word Games Can Build More Than Just Cognitive Skills

From the Department of Psychology at the University of Florida, Dr. Matt Baldwin says that if one looks beyond the many reasons why people are loving Wordle, you’ll realize that this word puzzle is also helping create more social connections.

You’re not the only one in the world playing Wordle, after all. When you do something with others together, the feelings you experience can magnify. So when you’re playing this word game with millions of people around the world, the experience, the feeling is magnified.

Let’s face it when you’re trying to solve a puzzle, aren’t you more likely to ask your friends, your family, your peers for help? Well, with Wordle taking Twitter and Instagram by storm, people are discovering the experience of sharing ideas along with the rest of the world.

As I mentioned above, you get to solve one wordle a day so what you’re looking for is what others are looking for as well. Whether you believe it or not, Wordle is a shared experience that’s slowly bringing others together and fostering social connections.

Dr. Baldwin also explains that for the past two years, we’re all living a shared experience – something that’s brought us together. Just like Wordle.

He further adds,

“Something about Wordle reminds us that there is still good out there and that we may be more similar than we are different. We may be starkly polarized on social issues and politics, but if we can all agree that Wordle is fun, maybe there is some hope.”

Another expert in the field of neuroscience at the University of Oregon says that playing word games can boost anyone with a low mood. Such activities are quite fun and engaging. They can take our minds away from mindless thinking and over worrying.

During times of pandemic, stress is the most common issue that we face almost every day. When we experience stress, the stress hormones can disrupt our entire system if we don’t release our stress. Playing word games like wordle can help reduce the threat of loneliness, anxiety, and even depression.

Of course, if you don’t have access to physical games or in-person social contact, online games like Wordle allow you to stay socially connected while working towards improving your mood, thinking skills, and productivity.

This brings me to my next point. When you reach that “Aha!” point, when you get that sense of achievement, dopamine – the feel-good hormone is released. And when you get to share the achievement with your friends, oxytocin-the love hormone is released. Both of these happy hormones can help calm our nerves and increase feelings of calm and relaxation.

If playing a word game such as Wordle can release my stress and give me a boost of dopamine and oxytocin, why wouldn’t I want to play?

Suggested Read 12 Best Ways To Increase Happy Hormones In Your Body

Writer’s Thoughts

If you don’t enjoy word games, no worries! Other activities can give you the same benefits as Wordle. Physical exercising or activities such as dancing, singing, learning musical instruments, solving puzzles, etc can all help you foster social connections, increase your dopamine levels, and boost your brain health.

The popularity of Wordle is unmatched for many reasons. If you haven’t tried this word puzzle yet, give it a try here! Let this simple word puzzle challenge and stimulate your brain when life becomes too overwhelming.

Take care!

Continue ReadingThe “Wordle” Obsession: Why This Word Game Can Be Good For Our Brain Health

Are You A Single Parent? Learn How To Beat Single Parenting Stress

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Ways to beat Single parenting stress

Single parenting is tougher than it looks. Single parenting does not only revolve around raising your child, sending them to the right school, selecting them the right toys, or cooking healthy food for them. Single parenting is more than we can imagine.

Single parenting is all about raising your child alone without any co-parent or relative, keeping up with your child mentally, answering your child’s questions, handling the stress of both and the list does not end here.

My biggest salute to all single parents in the house, take a bow! Trust me; you guys are already doing amazing! Listen to me, you are not alone, single parenting is quite common which means you get to learn from each other.

In this blog, I have listed some of the ways to beat the stress and burnout caused due to single parenting. So, let’s get started.

What is Single Parenting Stress?

What is Single Parenting Stress

If you ask me, I cannot tell you any proper definition for single parenting stress. Single parenting stress is that stress which can be caused by anything such as, is my child healthy (mentally and physically), is my child eating well, is my child getting too much screen time, am I feeling guilty for not being available to my child 24*7, is my child getting the appropriate support?

When the whole burden of raising your child and making choices for your child is on you, single parenting stress can be a common mental health issue for you.

Indeed, single parenting does not end here; we get stressed about other challenges as well like financial issues, relationship issues, toxic marriage, custody, and more. Let us understand some common symptoms of single parenting stress.

Symptoms of Single Parenting Stress

Symptoms of Single Parenting Stress

Single parenting stress could be motivating sometimes, but if not handled on time or becomes chronic, you might need some extra support. Below are some of the mental and physical symptoms of single parenting stress.

  1. Anxiety
  2. Depression
  3. Irritability
  4. Weak immune system or frequent illness
  5. Reduced creativity
  6. Reduced motivation
  7. Reduced productivity
  8. Reduced energy
  9. Headache
  10. Dizziness
  11. Muscle tension
  12. Sleeping issues
  13. Digestive issues
  14. Frequent changes in appetite or mood

Ways to Beat Single Parenting Stress

Ways to Beat Single Parenting Stress

While single parenting can be overwhelming and stressful, below are some effective ways to overcome single parenting stress.

1. Can we skip to the good part?

Trust me; no matter if it is single parenting, co-parenting, or parenting, guilt always stays there. How far we will go with that guilt? It is somewhere hurting us only. Therefore, try to not feel guilty about being away from your children. Prioritize your mental health, find fun in little things, and try out some relaxation activities so that you can make your life balanced again with your children.

2. Make time for “Me-Time”

It does not matter if you’re a working single mom or father, co-parent, or parent, you should always make some time for yourself. Even if you can only take 60 minutes for yourself, take your time and enjoy as much as you can. “Me-time” should be your time and only you should decide what you want to do with that time.

3. Positivity should be used as a sanitizer

Do you know what a sanitizer does? Sanitizer basically removes all the toxic bacteria from your hands. Similarly, use positivity like sanitizer to kill all the negativity and toxicity from your life. Stop negative self-talk, focus on your family; keep yourself away from anxiety and stress. And keep using positive vibes as a sanitizer.

4. Seek support when required

If you don’t have a support system, you should start making some friends. And, it would be better if you can make friends with something common so that you can relate with each other. If you are not able to express your feelings and are unable to cope with them, you can always take the help of a mental health advisor.

To connect with a professional and experienced mental health expert from BetterHelp, click here.

5. Set boundaries

It is really essential for single parents to set their own boundaries. Clearly, judgments and toxicity are never going to stop, therefore, you will have to set your limits for what you can accept and what you cannot accept. You should never allow other people or your relatives to take advantage of your small family.

I hope this blog helps you to overcome single parenting stress. Comment down your views or experience on single parenting stress so that you can motivate other single parents as well. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.

Continue ReadingAre You A Single Parent? Learn How To Beat Single Parenting Stress